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How important is a Hay Rack?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 13, 2004
I just put the hay on the cage floor. My piggies eat it, lay on it and play in it so i was just wondering a rack is important
a hay rack isnt important at all. in fact, it is better to keep the cage strewn about the cage floor. rack are for people who cant keep replenishing hay throughout the cage everytime it is soiled, so they put it in racks. however, your way si great!
the reason why some people prefer hay racks is that it keeps the hay off of the floor. like you mentioned, your piggies like to lay on it, run around on it, and im guessing they also like to go to the bathroom on it.

the piggies should be fine if the hay on the floor is changed every day or so, or the hay may get moldy and covered with bacteria if left in the cage too long. you can try putting hay on the floor and in a hay rack. maybe your piggies will only eat the hay out of the rack instead of on the floor... but i doubt it.

just a thought.
yes, if you change it every day, optimally twice or thrice a day, hay on the floor is perfect.
I had to stop using the hay rack because my spoiled piggies only wanted to eat the hay when they could bury themselves in it!
i don't use a hay rack and i don't put the hay on the floor. I have a big bowl that is bigger that his food bowl but he can't tip it over. He always manages to pull a little hay out of the bowl onto the floor but then he ends up eating it. I give him new hay and dump the old hay out everyday.
Mine are good boys, since they don't poo on their hay. I have a 2x1 second floor which is covered in hay. I like to call it my hay loft =)
It's fine, just be sure to throw away any hay that gets damp or really icky.
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