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how high is too high


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 27, 2004
I was just wondering, how high is it ok for piggys to jump from because I recently started putting my guinea pig on my bed and I put padding around but i'm still afraid she will hurt herself because she has jumped before (I know its mean, but shes pretty stupid lol).
I would say jumping from a bed is too high. You were lucky that she didn't get hurt
When you put her on your bed, keep a good eye on her, so if she goes near the edge, you can move her away. Here's a good idea: When you hold your pig on your bed, if she doesn't go near the edge at all, give her a treat and scratch her in her soft spot. I don't know what you should do if she does, but keep your eye on her, or keep her off your bed. You are lucky she didn't get hurt.
It is common for my pigs to try to jump off my bed, couches, tables ect. For example, I had two males out. They did NOT like the scent of each other, and were partially divided from each other on the couch while I was cleaning both of thei cages. Well, I picked one of the boys up and the other boy (Simon) lunged at (Chubby). I dropped Chubby on the couch, and Simon lunged again. Chubby just jumped off the couch while Simon was going after him, and I took the bite. I still have the scar to this day. Simon got my main vein in my hand, and scratched with his front teeth while digging in with his lower teeth. My hand was bleeding severly for 10 minutes, and then little by little bleeding for 17 hours. I didn't go to the hospital- my mother used to work there and she gave me antibiotics and a butterfly bandage. It hurt!
Anyways.. lol, I got carried away. I do not think it is terribly harmful for piggies to jump off couches or beds, but just in case make sure the area is clear. If piggie did happen to jump and hit something, injuries could occur. You are much better off just keeping an eye on piggie and make sure he stays on. I don't let my pigs jump off from their own free will- if I am not looking and they get startled they may happen to, otherwise I am always supervising them on the couches.
Little dogs break legs jumping off furniture. I think a pig could hurt himself a lot if he jumped.
Well I'm saying that it's not safe, but not so totally dangerous. It does have dangers, but my pigs who have gotton startled have never been hurt. I'm also saying NOT to let pigs do this, but there are some things that you just can't avoid.
Yea mine have jumped off my bed and the couch too. They never got hurt thank goodness, but it is still dangerous.
Yes, I totally agree. My pigs aren't allowed on my furniture anymore from their countless efforts to jump and explore the floor. Only on occasions, as clipping all their nails are they allowed with me on furniture.
If they jump (and they will eventually, doubtless) they will be severely injured, they can even die. It's just an unneccessary risk that you shouldn't take.
If piggies can be hurt when dropped by a child and die, which I know has happened. Then surely falling from a bed would be equally as hazardous! My bed for example is 29” high; I would never let my piggies play up there as I couldn’t possibly stop them from running over the edge. Two of my piggies are very adventurous in nature and don’t see danger, that’s what I’m forJ. Accidents happen we know but why take unnecessary risks.
mncavylover said:
If they jump (and they will eventually, doubtless) they will be severely injured, they can even die. It's just an unneccessary risk that you shouldn't take.
They will not always be severely injured. My pigs that have jumped(not many, maybe 1 or 2, only when they were scared or excited and as I stated before when my pig was getting mad at my other pig) have been fine, and jumped off a fairly large couch. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just can't see how everytime one guinea pig jumps it can kill them- because it can't. I have many healthy pigs, and the one that had jumped is the healthiest of them all. I agree that it is an unneccessary risk that no one should take, but you just can't avoid some things. As I said just before, I am not going to take those risks anymore and I do not allow my pigs on my furniture anymore.
RubyPiggie2 said:
I do not think it is terribly harmful for piggies to jump off couches or beds, but just in case make sure the area is clear. If piggie did happen to jump and hit something, injuries could occur. You are much better off just keeping an eye on piggie and make sure he stays on. I don't let my pigs jump off from their own free will- if I am not looking and they get startled they may happen to, otherwise I am always supervising them on the couches.
I take back what I said! I meant to say that it is harmful but just in case you have to put your pigs on your couch, bed, ect that you need to make sure nothing is in the way that could make the jump even more dangerous. But just don't put pigs on the bed or anything unless you are with them blocking them from getting off.
You shouldn't have them there, period. There is no situation I've ever heard of where someone needed to do this. It will hurt them, and if yours isn't hurt--you are very, very lucky. Cavies have very delicate internal tructures and their bones are relatively fragile. There is no need to even have them somewhere like this at all, period.
I know, ah nevermind! Let's just stop talking about this.
It's fine, I respect that your opinion is your own. Feel free to express it, we can get into discussions. I know sometimes people freak out (myself included), but I really try to be levelheaded. I try, and I'm sorry if I ever make you feel attacked. I'm just trying to say what's best for the pigs, that's all. Thanks again! =)
No, it's okay! I understand that you don't think that under any circumstances should piggies be put up on any high leveled object, which I respect that.
Ok, thanks so much Ruby! =) I was just making sure you didn't feel like I was trying to, like, create an evil argument or anything. Thanks once again for your reply!
Lol, not at all mncavylover!
Ok, thanks--just making sure! I know that sometimes I may sound rude, but I really don't mean to be.
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