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URI/Upper Respiratory Infection How did I save my pig?


Cavy Gazer
Nov 2, 2011
Hi Guys!!

When I first got my pig from the pet store... Hold on, I really didn't know at the time how bad pet stores are. I didn' know that they hurt, kill, miss sex animals. I didn't even know you could adopt guinea pigs. Because my friend gto her pig at petco and it was heathly I wanted to go there. I went to the store and picked out a guinea pig. Making the mistake of picking with out looking. I kinda picked the fist one I saw, I wanted to hold them but they wouldnt let me, so I just picked one. Really regret doing that.

I took him home, and loved him!! The next day his eyes, ears, and mouth were crusted over. I wasn't worried (at the time) becasue I thought he rolled in poop (don't ask me why I thought that), so I cleaned it up, and moved on.

The next day it happend again. This time I was a little worried, cleaned it up and started doing researsh. I found out if was URI, deadly in guinea pigs that are left untreated. I talked the my parents, and we started looking for an exodic vet. We COULDN'T fond one. So we called my dogs vet (we adopted my dogs). Thy would charge us $800 dollars for URI treatment. My parents said no way!! They wanted to take him back and get a heathy pig. I started doing petstore research, and found out that if I brought him back, they would gas him. So I didn't.

He got lots of vitamins, veggies, and love. He didn't get antibiotics at all and he lived!! He is alive and well to this day, popcorning, eating, and being a goofball!! How did he live? He had no medicine.

He is also a black breed guinea pig. That means, his mother, had her babies and them was forst to have more babies right after having her old ones. Because mother die having babies right after other ones, they are born C- section. Killing the mother, and hurting the babies.

I vow next in my life to buy, shop, or even walk into another pet store, again!!!

Sorry for my rambaling, but I just had to tell you all!!
Go_ellie, that's not a particularly helpful post. There are lots of young teens on here who may see something like that and think that they don't have to take their sick pig to the vet, and wind up with a dead pig. Please don't post anything that may lead someone else to wind up with a sick pig, or a dead one.

You were lucky that your pig didn't have a significant bacterial infection, and that it recovered with no treatment. It may have only had allergies, not an infection, but there's no way to know without having the pig seen by a vet.

I also find it very hard to believe that your dog and cat vet would have charged $800 for treatment for an URI when all it involves is a physical exam and a prescription for antibiotics. If those are their regular charges for that kind of work, I'm surprise anyone takes dogs or cats to them.
I'm finding that $800 thing pretty hard to believe too. I live in an expensive area, and it only cost $200 to treat my pigs for URI. That's including the exams AND the medication for BOTH pigs ($77 for each exam per pig.) Even with my dogs, the most expensive non-emergency exam I've ever had was $200 and that was to see a specialist.
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