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Hot Cavy


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 13, 2004
Summer is quickly approaching and I am going to be spending my first summer without air conditioning. It can get pretty hot and very humid here in Minnesota. Any tips for keeping your cavies cool in the warm weather?
hot piggies

I've read on here...at least I think it was on the old forum...that frozen water bottles work well, along with bricks and ceramic tile.
I use frozen waterbottle and the ice packs for lunchpails. Mine live outside in the summer because my room actualy gets hotter than the outside in the summer. I als fit small ice cubes into my pigs water so they get ice cold water. The brick is a good idea. I also use seramic tiles. Maby a fan set on the lowest strength would help if it gets too hot. On the hotest days I pour a little bit of water on my pigs backs and offer them cold damp towels to lay on.
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