OK so i have a 4 year old pig, and about two months (so he is about 7months old now) ago i got another one to be his buddy. they got along really well from the very beginning, minus a little humping here and there, but nothing to be too worried about. Yet, for the past 2 days my older pig has been trying to hump the baby like crazy! The baby cries and squeeks and runs in circles to get away from him, and it got really bad last night! i actually seperated them because he wouldn't leave him alone. I don't understand what happened! They were getting along so well....what can I do to stop this?! What should I do? I don't want to have them seperated for good because I think they will be much happier being together in the long run, and when I seperated them they just went searching for the other...but I don't want this crying and chasing to keep going like it is....any ideas on why this just got so bad or what I should do? Thanks in advance!