Ok, Tonight I was building my second level. Then when I finally finished it fell over and tumbled into my cage. It was horrible. Everything fell apart and hay and bedding got everywhere on the floor and on the Fleece. So I had to get my pen out and put all of my cavies in their. I had to get rid of all the grids and put them in the other room. Then I had to get rids of all the toys and the fleece. The bad thing was I did not have any fleece left becuase it all got bedding over it. So I had to put bedding on it and use up ALL of my hay! So now I have to get more hay which is a 40 minute drive! So I set up the grids and put them back in their with all of their toys. O yeah, I am just talking about my big cage with Honey and Coco not my quarintine cage which is in another room. So now I am so pisse dbecuase I had to use bedding and it will take forever to clean and I have to vacuum the whole room! It was such a mess. I am so pissed and mad.