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Homemade Toys??

Piglet said:
Im not sure. Yesterday, I took an old sock and stufed it with hay. Then I cut a bog hole in the sock then attatched to one of the grids with a peg. Try it out!
is it popular with your pigs?
Oh, i'm sorry. I completely forgot you hadn't gotten your pigs yet. I didn't really check who it was that was posting. Anyways, when the boys do come home, tell me if they seem to like it.
Don't worry. They're coming on sunday. I bet you they will just ignore it and wonder what the heck it is. On the other hand I did stuff it full with lots and lots of hay...
are golf balls safe?
I'm not sure... but my sock idea didn't work! On a rare occasion they sniff it and walk away.
loves2travel vbmenu_register("postmenu_13625", true); ,

i wouldnt use the golf ball because the outside plastic coating on the ball can be chewed off by piggies. if this happens, it could get stuck inside of them and cause blockage. just a thought.
thanks for the info, i'll stay away from golf balls. yesterday, i made one of those hanging couches out of leftover fleece and a bent grid. it looks super cute. i'm sure the pigs will love it!
Cool, glad you made the fleece seat! Sorry about the socks, Piglet. I agree with the golf ball usage, Starbucks, thanks!
Mine love those round oameal containers. I get the bottom out and they hide in them and chew them up.
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A sheet of newspaper draped over the hidey house (so that it's now diagonal to the floor) is the most popular toy in my home! The pigs run in and out of the added tunnel space and popcorn like crazy! They eventually pull it down and I give them a new piece!
Today i discovered a new favorite, the piggers absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!!!

I got an old toilet paper roll and punched about 15 holes in it with a skewer. then i filled the holes with stems of parsely and strands of hay. it was a little tree. I made about 7 of these (dont worry, there wasnt too much parsely, only one strand to a tree, all the rest was hay) and arranged them in the center of the cage, spacing them wide enough so there was room to run between them. Tada! Piggy Forest!!!!!!!! They had the time of their life running through the trees and pulling pieces out of the holes. I encourage all of you to try it at home. I thought my girls were the happiest pigs on earth today, the way they were chirping and popcorning.
Cut holes in an empty cardboard soda can box, and cut out the botom. Voila you have an instant hidey house.
Pinecones are a good one. My pigs like to chew on them, but it took them a little while to figure out what they were for.

Toilet paper tubes stuffed with hay or veggies.

Some hanging bird toys are supposed to be good.
I cleaned out a old flowerpot,decorated it,put hay in it,and put it on its side,the babies love to run in and eat
I got an idea from someone on another forum. I put the flowerpot put in upside down in the cage and stick parsely or cilantro stems through the hole in the bottom. Now it's like a tree in their cage and they stand up to pull the parsley out.
I have used little film canesters. You know the tiny bottles that film from cameras go in? I poke a few holes through them and stick a bit of alfalfa and treats inside, the pig nudge with their nose and have a blast trying to get to the treats. I v also just recently tried a crumpled up sheet of newspaper. The pigs whistle when a crunch it up because they think there getting food.
I just found a new toy! I bought a few fairly thick willow-sticks (just branches) that are actually for parrots. I always put them in the cage but the piggies wouldn't look at it. So today I fastened the branch,with a cable tie, to the side of a cube grid and they are pulling the branch :D It looks so funny!
My guinea pigs really like plastic cups. Only for floor time ill put a cup and they will push it around for a bit. They love it. If i don't give them a cup to play with. They will sit and stare at me till i put it down.
put some popsicle sticks on like a strng or whatever, and then hang ut, they'll love it!
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