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Cavy Slave
Dec 21, 2004
Why do guinea pigs make so much noise i am trying to sleep and thats when they seem to play the most and when i am up they are sleeping grrr i love them but its gets kinda annoying cuz they get so loud they wake me up does anyone know how to stop them or sumthing i dont have many toys in the cage could that be it i dont know please help!!!
Move them to another room?
How long have they been in your room before? At first, I couldn't stand the noise and I used to get really annoyed because I wanted to sleep. I had to build a small cage and place it outside my room and this is where they would sleep. However, the cage was really small - about 2x2 grids, so I felt bad. I put them back in my room and I got used to it! Give it some time. The only noise I hear as I'm falling asleep is munching and chewing on hay and this isn't loud. Do yours run around a lot?
The cavyspirit site advised not putting their cages in your bedroom in the first place. Aren't there any other rooms they can be put in?
My Guinea pigs are in my bedroom. My boyfriend and I live with his sister and brother law-so that's where they have to be. However, this is where I spend all my time usually (I'm the quiet type who likes to hide out and knit with a piggie on my lap!) I think I'm used to the noise my pigs make (I have 5) because they dont seem to wake me up unless I'm trying to sleep in and they decide to run laps around their cages. I've had Hamsters before in my bedroom and they'd keep me up all night! Guinea pigs typically have the same kind of schedules as people-they seem to be more active during the day. Maybe you could try giving them alot of excersize before you go to bed? I let my guys run around my room for a hour or so, so that they're all tuckered out when I'm ready to sleep.
I've become completely immune to noise thanks to guinea pigs (& hamsters.) I can sleep through bottle clanging, running, chewing, wheeking... In fact, I can't sleep in silence anymore. I'll even fall asleep listening to TV. The only thing at the moment that may wake me up is my boyfriends snoring :p
Doc, they can be put in a bedroom, just not in a child's bedroom
Well guinea pigs are typically nocturnal so I don't know if there is much you can do. Maybe give them alot of carrots before you sleep so they can munch on those? Or any other type of vegetable they like I guess.
Are they nocturnal? I thought they were mainly active at sunrise & sunset.
A book and a few websites I read about guinea pigs said they were nocturnal. And when my brother had to spend the night in the living room he said my guinea pigs were indeed very active at 3 am. And whenever I eat lunch I always catch them napping, so I assumed that they were nocturnal.
I put in alot of hay at bedtime to give them something quiet to do. I never put in new boxes or rearrange their furniture at bedtime, I learned that lesson. I usually talk to them alot during the day, or I will give them some cuddling and of course snacks. It helps to keep them busy during the day. Move their toys around, or change something. It keeps them interested instead of sleeping most of the day. Sometimes they still want to squeak. If I don't make any crinkling sounds in the middle of the night, (like a bag of carrots) they usually stay quiet. :)
misspigglie said:
If I don't make any crinkling sounds in the middle of the night, (like a bag of carrots) they usually stay quiet. :)
Man, I remember one time I was wearing these pants with velcro pockets when I came home late at night. And I opened them up to get a pen, and it woke up my pigs and they started wheeking like crazy thinking it was a salad bag. They woke up my entire house at 4 am, and I had to give them some food so they would shut up again :p.
guinea pigs are oppurtunistic sleepers they sleep when they can. Sometimes they wake up and run around at night bt it seems to be for a limited amount of time.
Wow, I envy your pigs make noise. My pig only makes noise when he's walking, wheeking noise, I'm not sure whether he's happy or he meant "get away from me". Well, this is my first piggy, just bought back for 1 day, so he might not make a lot of noise. Do your piggies only make noises after a few days or weeks? My pig is 4 month old...
My guinea pig sleeps in my room and I wouldn't have it any other way! I like feeling as if I have "company". To be honest, his squeaking and wheeking comforts me! If he starts I'll get out and pet him to calm him down then go back to sleep.
Miccee, your cavy will need some time to settle down into it's new environment. But the amount of noise they make really depends on the pig. There are noisy ones & quiet ones.

Wheeking means they want something (food or attention) & walking noise is good too. Phoebe makes little, "put put" noises when she's wandering around.
Try putting an air-filter in your room to block out the noise.
(joking) is their cage level to the floor? because maybe they can see the "monsters" under your bed, or in you closet, or under your furniture? (lol!) (not joking anymore) but really, maybe their is something that is scaring them.
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