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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 22, 2012
My name is Sarah, I am from germany.
I have cavies for nearly 10 years now.
Actually I have a group of 8, 7 females an a male that is (obviously) neutred.

these are Enja, Tiffy, Dyani, Mücke, Amadeus, Ida, Lia and Neev, they are between 6 month and 3,5 years old

and this is their home
Hi my name is Jeanne in England my guinea has just had 2 beautiful babies pure white with pink eyes they're so cute. I bought 2 girls which they are 6 weeks ago and they def girls but the store said that they coiuld've been with other guinea before they were seperated i don't mind i was excited abnd i will keep them and if there are boys will get them done .
Welcome Xanima! That's a really cool cage! And your piggies are super cute lol
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