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Cavy Slave
Dec 23, 2011
Hi, I recently bought guinea pigs (male and female) :):) I hope you can help me and give me some tips because I'm new to this.. I have a dog (labrador) and handling a rodent is somehow different.. All your help would be greatly appreciated..

Thank you.
I really hope one or both of them are spayed/neutered. We are an ANTI-BREEDING site.

If you go to the discussion section on the forum you can find anything about guinea pigs. Guinea Lynx https://www.guinealynx.info/ is very helpful too.
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Hi, gui.pig. You won't be asked to leave the forum if you breed, but you won't be allowed to discuss breeding or ask questions about it. We are a strongly pro-rescue forum.

I know a lot of people think it would be nice to have baby guinea pigs, but do you know that one out of five sows dies giving birth? And that a similar proportion of the pups are stillborn?

Do you know what a roan guinea pig looks like? or a dalmatian? Do you know what a lethal white guinea pig is that can result from breeding either of those? They're born blind, deaf, either toothless or with very poor teeth and require handfeeding, and have severe intestinal issues.

Do please separate your pigs and do your research carefully before proceeding with this. There are literally thousands of guinea pigs in rescues and shelters than need good homes. There's no need ever to breed another guinea pig deliberately -- enough are born from accidental matings to more than keep up with the demand for them.
Hi, gui.pig.! Welcome to the forum! :D
Hi there and welcome. Are you planning to breed? You don't say either way so I'm not assuming anything, but I don't understand why you'd want to breed them when you seem to think they are diseased and don't want to handle them or clean up after them daily. Breeding would be even more work and more exposure than merely keeping them as pets, and you seem to be uneasy with even that. On the other hand, I'm not sure why you'd want a male and a female, either. Can you clarify?
Hi and welcome! We love piggy pictures so if you have any please post them.
thank you to all of you :) I'm not planning of mating them and yes they are in a different cage.. because the male one is very energetic and the female is not that much as the male so I'm afraid he might get too excited and cause the female to get mad or something lol and yea.. thank you again for all your advices
A bigger concern than him causing the female to get mad is him causing her to get pregnant.

I'm very relieved to learn you aren't planning to breed them - but please keep in mind that guinea pigs are social creatures who very much crave the companionship of other guinea pigs - so please consider either adopting same sex pigs for each of them to live with or having one of them altered so they can live together without reproducing.
It's important also to note that even though you are housing them separately (good thing) you should not allow them to have "play time" together.

They definitely are social critters and need same-sex roommates so they aren't lonely or bored.
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