Re: Hi
What everyone needs to do is pay attention to the date the original post was made. If it's something like this thread, what is the point in responding to it 3 years later? If it is something that is truly beneficial, then it's not that big of a deal, but most posts that are that old really don't need responded to.
If you go to the top of the page and hit "my profile" then once there, go into "edit options", you can scroll down the page to "display thread options" and set "Default Thread Age Cut Off" to say the last month or last 45 days or even the last 2 months then that will not show threads older than then that have not been responded to. I have mine set on "show threads from last month". Doing that will make the threads from that time backwards hidden from your view. They aren't necessarily blocked, but it's easier to avoid old threads that don't need dragged up and responded to.