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Hi! We're New:)


Cavy Slave
Dec 26, 2011
Hi, we got 2 male guinea pigs about a month ago. One is Black, that my son named Oreo and the other is Tan and white and my daughter named Sugar.
Love kid names for pets.:)
Awww, cute. Just so you know we have a picture addiction :)
Welcome! So glad you have found us. Let us know more about your guys and of course pictures.
Check out all the great reading there is to give your new friends the best in nutrition and cages.
Cute names.
hi! I am new too and we have had our piggies for a little over a week now. They are also for our kids (but I do the care as they learn). They named theirs Squeaks and Smores. I agree....love kids naming their own pets :)
Hi, to the both of you! And welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time on here. :) Congratulations on getting your new piggies! Very cute names!
Hello, i'm new here too :)
I have two guinea-pigs, Bugsy and Princess :D
Add me as your friend and I will add you back lol
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