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Hi, I'm new - Guinea pig relationship problem...help



Hi, I'm new - Guinea pig relationship problem...help

I have 2 male guinea pigs (uneutered) who do not get along. First of all is it possible for males to get along if they havn't grown up together. I have heard lots of different opinions on that subject.
Anyway, they have been living side by side for almost 2 months. They seem to get along fine seperate. They lie down together, eat together..etc (with a partition in the middle obviously!).
I have tried to introduce them to each other (with a water spray bottle in hand) at play time but they just do all that aggressive stuff and I certainly am not able to leave them alone together as I'm certain they will fight.

So, if they will not get along, I am thinking about transferring to a bigger cage each and finding a female for each of them. How do I go about doing this? I will go to a rescue organization but how do I introduce them? Will it be easy or just as difficult?

Sorry...one last question! Does anybody know where to get low cost spay/neuters for their piggie in California? Right now I really can't afford the $100 each which seems to be the norm. Of course I will not be getting females until either has been fixed!

Thank you!! ; )
Re: Hi, I'm new - Guinea pig relationship problem...help

Hi, I had a similar problem a few days ago, but my two girls get along great now, after a lot of work!!!!, you can read my story at

(broken link removed)
Hope it helps you! good luck!!!!
2 males

getting 2 males to get along is not the same as getting 2 females to get along. 2 Females usually will get along, 2 males usually won't.

It is POSSIBLE for 2 males who haven't grown up together to get along. I have 2 males living together now who never bother each other, but one of them is about 4-6 months older than the other one. I also have 3 males living together fine, but one's the father of the other two.

If the pigs aren't living together now, they probably never will. Nuetering them won't change anything. Your best bet is probably to put some kind of divider in the cage so that they can see each other and interact with each other, but not hurt each other.

-Dan III
Re: 2 males

I think it is quite stereotypical the way some people say that males generally will fight, there is only a slight increase in chances of fighting than with females.It makes males seem really aggressive and they are not I have two lovely boys!!!
As for your problem take each day as it comes and don't rush into anything eventually they will probably learn at ;least to tolerate each other. Keep up the good work!!
My male guinea pigs

Thank you for all of your help and suggestions. I have decided I will not get any females, but keep trying for Chico and Suki to get along. If worst comes to worst, they will just have to continue living seperatly. (they don't seem particulary lonely like that - they still interact with each other!).
Anyway, I have been trying to get them to be friends. They seem to like each other when they are in completely neutral terriotory, which I guess makes sense, but as soon as I bring them back into my room where they live, their attitudes start up again!!!
Oh well, I'll just take each day as it comes!
Thanks everyone.


PS- anymore suggestion would be much appreciated!!:lol: :lol:

Interesting that you mention that they get along when not "at home." Perhaps there's a scent in their cage that's setting them off.

Butters and Spaz are my 2 unrelated males living together. When Butters went after a female during floor time, he put his scent out, later when he was put back in with Spaz, they started fighting, and it continued until we gave Butters a bath and washed off the scent.

Perhaps if you washed all the pieces of your cage and changed the bedding (I mean wash 100%, cage floors and walls with soap & water) it might help. Then again, it might not.

-Dan III
Re: Thought

hmph! Those are certiantly rumors. Males <strong>can</strong> and <strong>do</strong> live fine together if they come from different places. I have four males that prove it. There is just as great of a chance that females can't get along as males can't. Even some male/female pairings don't work. It's ALL about personality.

You just need to do introductions properly. Please check out this link. <a href="https://www.cavyspirit.com/sociallife.htm" target="top">www.cavyspirit.com/sociallife.htm</a> (The introductions are a bit of the way down. You will need to scroll some)

What "aggressive stuff" are you talking about? Humping, chattering teeth, rumbling, shaking bums, and even little nips are very normal dominance behavoirs. See the link above for more information.
thank you for your help

They do all of the teeth chattering, nipping etc that you mentioned. The problem is that a couple of months ago when I was begining to introduce them they got into a full on fight and Suki had to have surgury due to infection. I understand this is my fault for letting this happen and not catching the infection soon enough but it has also made me very nervous about letting them play together without paying extra extra attention!! I am very scared they will fight like this again, although I have learnt from this experience and am not so naive anymore, I'm not sure what to do.

Should I leave them together unsupervised and just let them sought it out between them?...if they do get into a fight I guess as long as I treat any wounds will it be ok? This almost seems cruel to me and I've heard that guinea pigs can kill each other so I'm really not sure. I also did try washing out the cages and dissenfecting them completely but this still didn't work. I really do appreciate any advice, so thanks everyone for helping already, I have been trying!!!

Thanks for the link

that link is very very useful by the way, thanks a lot. I'm surprised I didn't come across it before and also sad I hadn't seen the info sooner. Its the best information I've had.
: )

Hi its me again,
Just wanted to say thanks again. My guinea pigs are beginning to get along now. I have started giving them regular play time together and I have managed to hold back from seperating them when things between them get a bit tense. They usually just walk away from each other. They also seem so happy when together now (even though they still grumble quite a bit!!). They have both started doing these more extreme than usual hops annd twists in the air, shaking their heads!! Its really cute. I am stil a bit scared to leave them alone, but I think in a month (hopefully less) they will be able to live together! I'm sooo happy about it. I'll leave you all alone now!!! lol
Thanks everyone:rolleyes:

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