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Hi everyone! (:


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 17, 2012
Greetings! My name is Andrea. I'm a Registered Vet Tech and second time cavie owner. My first foray into the world of piggies was rescued from a bad situation about a year ago. His name was Mr. Pickles. His previous owner was bedding him in cedar shavings and feeding him rabbit pellets from the dollar store, mixed with alfalfa ): He was doing poorly when I adopted him and he didn't last but six months before passing away. It was very sad ):

About six months ago I adopted two brothers from an accidental litter, from a nice family down the street who was giving them away on Craigslist. Our local closeout store (Marc's, in NE Ohio) was selling larger than a litterbox elevated cages for only $30, so I picked one up, and it has served well through their babyhood, but now that they are a bit older I'm building them a C&C cage. I just picked up a full sized sheet of bright blue Coroplast today for only $20 from a local sign shop, and I already have my cube ring built, as I've been using a 2x6 ring as their floor time pen for a few months, which I place on a padded linoleum floor remnant I bought at Home Depot. I think I will scale it down to 2x4 for their official C&C cage, or as big as the ancient folding table I recently found in my mom's basement will hold :) I will also build a hinged lid with my extra cube pieces to protect them from my sweet but inquisitive trio of cats.

Anyway, I look forward to chatting with you, and if I can figure out how to post photos, will include some with this post :)

Ok, you should see below their current cage, and then both boys sharing a carrot. The brown boy with the T-shaped eyebrows is Manny, aka Squishy. The tricolor is Bogart, because he loves to steal from his brother :)
[GuineaPigCages.com] Hi everyone! (:[GuineaPigCages.com] Hi everyone! (:
welcome to the forum! Thank you for not buying the pigs from a pet store, there are so many on Craigslist, in shelters, and in rescues in need of homes. It's great that you are building them a C&C cage, I'm sure you will see them much happier when they get in it! Just a quick question: why downsize? Bigger is better! But anyways, your boys are very cute!
I live in a smaller apartment and am scrambling to find the space to fit their new cage even at the 2x4 grid size. I was originally basing the size I would build off of the very dusty folding table that's still in my trunk, but just realized after browsing the photos on here that I can use the 5x5 square grids from my two Target kits to build a base that will be much more narrow than the huge table ever could be! So with saving depth space by not using a wider base than I really need, maybe now I can make it 2x5 :) 2x6 was just a bit too much, though.

I don't have enough grids to overlap my 8x8 cubes, but I am planning on making the edges of my Coroplast higher than 6 inches for the sake of their little necks. They lived exclusively in their floor cage for several weeks and never took any interest in the edges or walls whatsoever. Once I finish building it I will start supervised C&C time until I can save up enough for a few more kits for the sake of overlapping.

Question: If I make a 2x4 or 2x5 C&C cage, do you think three sections/pillars of supporting cubes below would be enough (one at each end, one in the middle)? I'm not planning on making a bottom to the cube rectangle, but I can if it will mean more support for the coroplast. I have plenty of 5x5 squares left for building.
With my 2X5 stacked cage I have a support almost in the middle and the two sides, this supports the cage with no issues. Hope that helps.

Also welcome to the forum :D.
Thanks! Do you have a cube bottom or just a cube square with a coroplast only bottom?
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