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Hi Everyone!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 12, 2012
I have had many wonderful pets over the years but haven't had guinea pigs since my teens. I got two girls in May 2011. The were 5 weeks old. One is red and white and the other one black and white. I am really enjoying them. They live in our TV room in a 2 x 4 C&C cage. They also have a 3 x 4 C&C play area where I sit with them. I have had many many questions over the past few months. Forums like this are a wealth of information and support. I only want the best for them so I appreciate any help you can give me. Guinea pig care has come a long way since I last owned them.
Welcome to the forum.

The beginning of each section has "read me" stickies. I would start by reading those. Especially the ones in the "diet and nutrition"section. If you have any specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Welcome to the forum.

The beginning of each section has "read me" stickies. I would start by reading those. Especially the ones in the "diet and nutrition"section. If you have any specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you. It will take me a little while to figure out how this all works. I will need to get my son to show me how to put some pictures on the forum.
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