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Hey there!


Cavy Slave
Jun 26, 2023
Hello! Im new the forum and just wanted to introduce myself.
Im a piggy parent of 4 (2 fosters & 2 of my own).
My 2 are Potato and Tiny (very fitting names if you ever see them)
My fosters are Pumpkin and Pepper (also very fitting names lol)
I first got my guinea pigs back in November 2022 and my fosters in april 2023 and am generally looking to gain more knowledge about health issues in guinea pigs. I often overreact and always think something is wrong with my piggies 🥲
If anyone has some common health knowledge to share im open cause even though I did years of research before getting guinea pigs, its very hard to understand all the health issues via internet or google searching as most articles are not specific enough.
Anyways thanks for reading my post have a great day!
Hello, and welcome to the Forum! Things around here normally move a bit faster with a plethora of replies. It seems as though folks are busy preparing for the holidays and not chatting about cavies.

If you aren't familiar with Guinea Lynx, be sure to check it out as the information there is reliable and generally accurate. It has information on diet and nutrition, a medical guide, and a guinea pig care guide.


Stick around......you just may learn a lot! I've been here since 2011 and still learn from knowledgeable peers.

Is that Potato in your avatar? Great pic!
Hey so this is not so recent but I've been noticing my guinea pigs drink a lot of water like I have to refill their 450ml water bottle every morning (I'm not sure if this is normal or not). They have 2 water bottles in their cage and they still drink out of, just less than the other one. I looked up how much water guinea pigs should be drinking a day and it said 100ml, "if your guinea pig is drinking to much bring it to the vet asap!!" But I know from past experiences that the internet is not always right and since I am fairly new I would love some feed back. Thanks!
Hello, and welcome to the Forum! Things around here normally move a bit faster with a plethora of replies. It seems as though folks are busy preparing for the holidays and not chatting about cavies.

If you aren't familiar with Guinea Lynx, be sure to check it out as the information there is reliable and generally accurate. It has information on diet and nutrition, a medical guide, and a guinea pig care guide.


Stick around......you just may learn a lot! I've been here since 2011 and still learn from knowledgeable peers.

Is that Potato in your avatar? Great pic!
Thanks for the help! And no that's not potato sadly I can never find her in such cute positions lol!
Are you sure they’re actually drinking all that water they and not playing with the water bottle? Some like to pull the tube around and shake the bottle just for fun. And sometimes bottles drip as well.
Both of my boys go up and down with water consumption. Simon is a little fiend. They don't drink a lot during the day, but Simon can easily drain an 8oz water bottle during the night. Their bedding IS dry so I know he's drinking it.
So I'm just gonna jump straight in, about a week ago when I was cleaning my foster pigs cages I saw some reddish pink pee on the coroplast and checked to see which guinea pig could have done this and one of thejr butt's was wet so she was sitting in the pee I decided it was her and looked it up then contacted the owner of the rescue we foster them for. She said monitor her weight for a week and if it goes down let me know, I was weighing her every day and for the first day put a white towel down because I wasn't sure if you were going to see it being on gray fleece (guineadad liner).
Fast-forward a week she hasn't been losing weight, eating fine, acting like her skiddish self. I've seen no red/pink pee on the gray liner till today and they like to get under the liner onto the coroplast so when I was feeding them this morning I saw a bit of red/pink pee again on the coroplast. This is what it looked like any suggestions cause the rescue owner says I can't take them into the vet unless she says something is wrong.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Hey there!
I don't know whether you can talk the rescue owner into it, but if it were my pig, I'd be taking it to the vet. That pinkish color indicates blood in the urine. It could be from a bladder infection, a stone irritating the bladder, or from the reproductive tract (although that's less likely).

You might point out to the rescue owner that it's generally much cheaper to treat something when it first starts rather than after it's spread or caused other problems.
Thank you I will definitely bring that up. And actually it might be a coincidence cause on the 4th of July my dog's urine was pink as well, turns out he had a bladder infection. (He's on meds and is okay now) but I really hope I can get her in sometime soon, thanks for letting me know!
Well update, they got back to me and they said we just have wait it out, no matter how sad it is I guess, we legally can't bring her in but it just breaks my heart to have to watch her like this. If anyone has any recommendations of things that I can do without bringing her in that could help please let me know. [ As far as I can tell she is showing no other symptoms other than the red urine so I guess that's why they said we aren't bringing her in ]
Is there a reason they want to wait and not take her to the vet? If money is a factor, can you offer to pay for some of it?
New problem, I found 2 Silverfish in my guinea pigs cage and I'm wondering if they are harmful to guinea pigs? I know with maggots you have to take them to the vet right away but does anyone know what to do? I can't find anything online about it.
They don't carry diseases, and eat mostly starchy things, like paper. I'd try to get rid of them, but I wouldn't worry about the pigs.
Okay thanks so much!
P.S: I tried replaced their litter box liner with fleece instead of newspaper, hopefully this will prevent them from wanting to come in the cage.
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