this morning i noticed my pig was very sickly looking and he was starting to get crusty eyes. I took him out if the cage and put him in an animal carrier with a towel on the bottom and water and food. today when i got home he looked really bad and his eyes were almost sealed shut and he was laying on his side... he has hardly eaten anything but a few pieces of cucumber in the last 6hrs! he has not pooped at all either which i assume is from lack of food. i bathed him in some warm water and i cleaned his eyes so they arent as bad looking and so he could open them better. he is pretty old as well. do u have any tips or are you able to tell me anything i can do to make him more comfortable?? i cant take him to the vet untill the weekend as my mum is on holiday and my dad works till 6 every nite and by then they are shut!if he gets any worse i will get my friends mum to take me. also he jolts every now and again can any one help??