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Veg*n Help.

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Slap Maxwell

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 1, 2005
I have been vegetarian now for two weeks. I am undergoing the most brutal tantalizing from everybody. People from my closest friends to people I have never talked to before. One girl says she doesn’t support anything people do for moral reasons. I tried to tell her it was for health and moral reasons; she won’t listen, and then just tells me I don’t even present my argument well. My parents don’t even understand why I am doing this. I am already suffering from severe bi-polar disorder and can’t take much ridicule from people without sliding into a depression. It’s part of my disorder. I will never go back to eating meat, though, because that would show I am weak. What should I do?

Just let them know that just as they have made a personal desicion to eat meat (which only they can change) you have made a personal desicion to not eat meat (which only you can change). Although facts can be presented in a respectful way on both sides no one can change anybody elses mind. Let them know that you are not trying to change them (people tend to get really defensive if they even *think* you are trying to do that. Even if you aren't) and that you find their ridicule very painful.

Try to let them know that even though you have made a decision to change you aren't trying to change them and that you just want to get along.

My parents and I don't agree on anything. This meathod works with my father (who wants a harmonious realationship) but not my mother (who whats everything her way)
I also (after I wrote the above) was told the following:

"If we don't kill them, they will just overpopulate!"

"And when they overpopulate, where will they roam?"

"Cows are stupid, S-T-U-P-I-D ... so are chickens."

But I talked to a few people and they support me, just as long as I don't push it on them, which I am not in the position to do.
why would you be friends with people who ridicule you for being who you are?
try to educate your "friends" and certainly your family. many parents do not understand the vegetarian lifestyle because they were brought up back when it was widely accepted to eat meat and if you didnt you were a hippie pinko commie. please explain to them why you have made the decision and tell them that there's plenty to eat without choosing meat! protein is not a concern as most people will argue. the majority of americans get too much protein anyways. tofu and other soy products, as well as nuts, nut butters, legumes and beans will provide you with all that you need.

tell them about the process from animal to burger. show them the meet your meat videos. make it clear that cows, chickens, pigs and other "food" animals are no different than your guinea pigs. it would be hypocritical to love guinea pigs as much as you do and still eat similar animals. everyone understands love for animals but they often dont equate burgers, fried chicken and bacon with animals.

if they cannot understand your reasonings then just pray for them and know that you ARE doing the right thing.
Actually humans are the only animal that overpopulates. All other animals live in equalibrium with thier surroundings as long as they are not relocated. If they don't believe you pop a copy of the Matrix into your DVD player and skip to the scene where Agent Smith makes his argument where humans are more like a virus.

Ask them if they has ever seen a cow or chicken up close or worked with one. I certainly never have so how can I judge.

Besides I have a friend who's family has a sheep for a pet. Even though she thinks the sheep is stupid (won't come into the barn out of the rain like the ponys and dogs do) she still won't eat lamb. She just can't eat it then look out side and see the sheep even if it is sitting outside in the pouring rain.
slap_maxwell said:
I also (after I wrote the above) was told the following:

"If we don't kill them, they will just overpopulate!"

"And when they overpopulate, where will they roam?"

"Cows are stupid, S-T-U-P-I-D ... so are chickens."

But I talked to a few people and they support me, just as long as I don't push it on them, which I am not in the position to do.
ask them when was the last time that they saw a wild cow or chicken? the meat industry does not catch animals from the wild (except for more rare 'delicacies' like some turkeys, and other unusual birds')-they captive breed the animals for one purpose-meat.
the whole world will not go vegetarian all at once so as the demand goes down, so wil the number of animals the industry breeds.

chickens have about the intelligence of a 5 year old child which is incredibly intelligent in the animal world. not even guinea pigs have that :(
if an animal is 'stupid' or not does not matter, what matters is that all animals, like humans feel pain just the same.
I don't even think cats and dogs are that intelligent. The average person seems to be able to relate to cats and dogs better for some reason. (The people where I work didn't even know what a guinea pig was. I had to bring pictures to work to show them.)
Sabriel said:
I don't even think cats and dogs are that intelligent. The average person seems to be able to relate to cats and dogs better for some reason. (The people where I work didn't even know what a guinea pig was. I had to bring pictures to work to show them.)
I brought my guinea pigs to school and here are some examples of what people called them: Chipmunks, squrriels, rats, giant hamsters, ect. Oh, and I think the #1 one thing people called them was Gerbils. One time, I was walking down the hall to take them home, and one boy guessed and guessed, I finally told him they were guinea pigs and he said, "They don't look like pigs to me." None of the guinea pigs were harmed. I hope now they all know what gps look like.
One of my co workers keeps asking me how my mouse/hampster/rat is doing. Another jokes that I should try to make them carniverous. (He said just joking after, and said I should try to get into an animal related industry since it sounds like I take very good care of them.)
I had my piggies in a carrier on the way to the vet, when someone asked me what I had in there. I said 2 guinea pigs. She responded, "A WHAT"?..... I said a kitten.
I know how you feel... my closest friends are supportive but there are other people who say I'm stupid for being a vegetarian. My uncle says its unhealthy, some people at school call me stupid... I've just learnt to ignore them. They don't even listen to my side, all they can come up with is "Its ok because I eat free range chickens". SO WHAT? You are still killng and eating animals.
This is probably not the right place for me to be replying too as I have no experience whatsoever with being a vegetarian however I do know a few and I just wanted to say to slap_maxwell to hang in there. People can be cruel when they don't like whats happening especially when they see that someone is changing when they themselves do not have the guts to.

Everyone puts up such good arguments to their decisions I find posting here a little bit daunting, especially as now I am associating meat with guinea pigs which I really don't want to do. But I think to stand up and do something different, such as become a vegetarian, is brave especially when everyone around you wants you to back down. You have my support even if it doesn't mean much as you don't know me and I don't know you.
You have my support also :)
I know how it is, I was a veg. for 5 months and I started getting sick so now my mom makes me eat meat every now and then. But I think once my body gets use to the change I'll be ok. I'm going to start up again as soon as possible! I hate the way I feel when i eat meat.
Hang on in there! I forgot to add that in my post... I got a lot of stick as I said, but Im still going strong after 6 months ish
Thank you so much everyone!
I have some questions about being a vegetarian... if thats okay?

what do you all eat as supplements? like you know how much protein comes from meat what do you eat instead?
Also are you vegan or vegetarian?
Of course that's fine, Quiet Things! I'm open to any questions. :)

I take a multivitamin daily with 100% iron and B12 along with others. I am vegetarian as of right now, eventually aiming to be vegan. I've been vegetarian since October 11th, 2004. There are plenty of other sources of protein in soy, energy bars, and everyday snacks you eat already I'm sure. If you eat milk and eggs there is some in those as well.
Okay, thanks. Mind if I also ask why your aiming to be vegan?
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