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Active Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 9, 2005
I got my first guinea pigs, two female, but they are really scared, what can i do to calm them down?
IT can takes, weeks or months for them to calm down. Just take it easy, you have to give them alot of laptime and when ever you walk past the cage say hi or give them some veggies.
pilot101 said:
I got my first guinea pigs, two female, but they are really scared, what can i do to calm them down?
Just give them time to get used to their surroundings. Guinea pigs are afraid of humans by nature and it takes a while for them to gain their trust. Once they learn where their food is coming from and you mean them no harm they will warm up to you. But, you must remember each pig has a different personality - some are more social than others. They all like different things - some like to be cuddle while others prefer to just explore and yet others like the safety of their cage. They need to get used to you as you need to get used to them.
is it better i let them alone for now? or can i just try to pet them to reaasure them?
pilot101 said:
is it better i let them alone for now? or can i just try to pet them to reaasure them?
I know it's hard not to want to touch them, but if they don't welcome the touch then don't. You want them to see you in a positive way - not doing something that frightens them.
T_T, Like one of them won't move its so frightened, there is nothing i can do?
pilot101 said:
T_T, Like one of them won't move its so frightened, there is nothing i can do?
Not unless you want to frighten it more. Fear can stress a pig which can lead to illness. I would just sit by the cage and talk softly to them, so they can get use to your voice. Also, feed them their fruits/veggies the same time everyday. Once they get settled they will start to look for you and realize you mean something good.
question, is one big igloo house enough for two guinea pigs, or do they need separate homes?
You would probably want to have two hidey houses of some sort, whether they are pigloos, wooden houses, homemade, etc. just so that if and when they want their own space, they have it. I have two hidey houses and an arc made out of fiddle sticks, and most of the time the pigs will just share the pigloo, but sometimes they just want to be alone, and who can blame them, I guess?
I'm kinda going through the same thing you are right now Pilot.
Your new GP's need some time to get used to your smell and the noises you make-especially if you're keeping them in your room.
Sit by the cage for a while and talk to them. After a while, slowly put your hand into the cage but don't move it towards them. Just keep it still. They'll come and investigate (smell) your hand. This way they start to learn that whenever you put your hand in the cage it's not a bad thing and not a reason to run and hide. Having food in the hand helps, but don't expect them to run right up and start eating out of your hand until they learn who the food is from and that your presence is a good thing.
You're going to be OK. You just need to give them time to adjust.
i got an exercise ball, is it wise to use to it? Will there be chances of the guinea pigs getting hurt?
Exercise balls can damage a pig's back. Their spines are not made to bend that way.
Pilot101, please do not use the ball. Hamsters and such have flexible spines so they are fine in balls such as this, but for cavies their backs are not meant to curve that way. They are more delicate than one would presume.
man how could Petco sell the exercise balls in the first place, do they not have feeling of responsibility if the GP gets hurt? OR are they just ignorant?
They're only in it for the money, as are most of the pet stores in the world. Why else do you think they have unneccessary things like salt licks, cedar bedding, and too-small yet very expensive cages, etc. See www.cavyspirit.com/petstores.htm. It's the sad truth.
pilot101 said:
man how could Petco sell the exercise balls in the first place, do they not have feeling of responsibility if the GP gets hurt? OR are they just ignorant?
I have one of those balls - my female used to use it when she was a baby - it was a great place to keep her while cleaning her cage. She didn't move too fast and since she was in the kitchen she couldn't go too far. My male used to just sit in it when it was his turn.

I haven't used it in months and I'm not sure my pigs would be too comfortable in it now since they are much larger. I also don't think most pigs know what to do with it anyway. You could always do what I did - use is as a holding place if needed.
It still bends the pigs' spines backwards, and from what I heard, that is very dangerous. I bought one of these originally, and only used it once. I read right away that they were bad, and so I tried putting bedding in it and using it as a hidey house like this: https://www.guineapigcages.com/gallery/656/ only the pigs didn't like it much. I've just had it in storage since.
YOu could use it as a hay rack!
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