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pet krazy

Cavy Slave
Jul 19, 2004
I rescued two guinea pigs from a pet store where someone had left them in their cage outside the store. They are adult males and I have had them for two weeks.I have them in a large pen 4'x3'.They were getting along great untill today I was going to brush one and it's rear end is all bitten.I washed it but I don't know what to put on the bites.It dosn't look infected .I have seperated them to other cages but this will be a problem as the cage they came with is small.Why did this happen and what should I DO? I have two other males who get along fine.(They are not with the new pair).
Oh no! I'm sorry. You should wash the wound thoroughly, and you may want to consider going to see a vet. If it looks any worse, that's what you'll have to do. If they are acting aggressive towards each other, you will have to separate them. If it is not, in fact, bites, but it is a case of mites (they cause red scabby areas if left untreated, and are usually on the rump), you will have to get BOTH piggies in to be treated. If there is any hair loss (try gently stroking the fur, and see if any clumps fall off) then this is most likely mites. Either way, you should probably take the piggy/ies to a vet, because only they can tell you accurately what is wrong and how to treat it. Good luck! =)
I would take the piggy to the vet just to be safe. Maybe you should try posting this in the the general guinea pig chat section, you might get more replies.... Well I hope your piggy gets to feeling better.

Definitely wash the wounds out with a diluted solution of Betadine (looks like weak tea at correct strength) or chlorhexidine gluconate 2%. DO NOT use hydrogen peroxide, since it necrotizes (kills tissue).

I'd also take the piggie to the vet, just to be safe.

Another good place to post medical emergencies is the Guinea Lynx Forums in the Medical forum.
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Absolutely treat for mites. It's practically guaranteed they have mites.
Heh. Didn't think of that. * blush *

Mites are easily treated with topical Ivermectin. It's very easy treatment. Just make sure you dose carefully as oversdoses can be harmful or fatal. However, when used properly, Ivermectin is 100% safe and effective on mange mites.
Just wondering how your piggy is doing? Did you take the piggy to the vet?

Piggy OK

cinn&sprinslave said:
Just wondering how your piggy is doing? Did you take the piggy to the vet?
Hi cinn&sprinslave: I was just sitting down to send the message that Bumkin is Ok when I saw your name.Yes the vet said he didn't have mites so I put Pumpkin in with Bumpkin and Pumpkin started fighting so I have seperated them with a cube section(2).The cuts are healed and he is doing fine .Now I have another problem though.My skinny piggy Babe (10) mo. old has a mild case of ringworm ,his second in his life.I am treating him with anti fungal cream and I hope my other piggies don't get it.The problem is I have caught it on my face.(YUCK) . Now I have to go to the doctor.Dose anyone know if dogs and cats can get ringworm from a guine pig? If so how can I prevent it? Thank's.
I know this is offtopic, but... Pumpkin and Bumpkin! Those are absolutely darling names! lol

Glad to hear they're ok.

As far as the ringworm... I didn't know it was contagious through plain skin contact...
With the ringworm you should probably ask the vet if it spreads to other animals besides humans.
Im pretty sure that if ringworm can spread to you then it can spread to dogs and cats.
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