I have a 2 year old male piggy (weighs 2.9lbs) who started acting strange about 7:00 last night (it's now almost 1 in the morning). He's been sitting in a corner of the cage and he's letting me pick him up without a fuss (he usually runs away but then he's fine once he's snuggled on my lap, silly piggy). My biggest concern: I can SEE his heart pounding. I mean it is making his entire lower half pulsate. And it's VERY slow! I read their heart rate should be about 250bpm and I counted his at 67 earlier!! He's breathing sounds funny too, almost like he's stopped up but his nose is clear and there's no discharge. I don't think he has eaten or drank anything since about 7 (not that I've noticed at least). I'm so scared, I can't even sleep. The vet doesn't open until 7am and there is no emergency after hour clinic where I live. Is he going to be ok until tomorrow??