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Conditions Help! The vet doesn't open for another 6 hours!!

Amber Gates

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 1, 2011
I have a 2 year old male piggy (weighs 2.9lbs) who started acting strange about 7:00 last night (it's now almost 1 in the morning). He's been sitting in a corner of the cage and he's letting me pick him up without a fuss (he usually runs away but then he's fine once he's snuggled on my lap, silly piggy). My biggest concern: I can SEE his heart pounding. I mean it is making his entire lower half pulsate. And it's VERY slow! I read their heart rate should be about 250bpm and I counted his at 67 earlier!! He's breathing sounds funny too, almost like he's stopped up but his nose is clear and there's no discharge. I don't think he has eaten or drank anything since about 7 (not that I've noticed at least). I'm so scared, I can't even sleep. The vet doesn't open until 7am and there is no emergency after hour clinic where I live. Is he going to be ok until tomorrow??
I hope he's going to be ok! I don't know enough about piggies to help you but hopefully somebody will be on here soon that does.
OH my...oh I am so very sorry, how frightening this must be for you ! I don't know what his medical "history" has been like, but it sounds like he may have some kind of heart problem..take a look at this link below, and tell me if the symptoms they provide on there sound similar to what he is experiencing, o.k. ?

Also, since he doesn't have any eye or nose discharge, I don't think it would be penumia. What has his medical history been like, so far ? ( any URI's, dental issues, ect.ect.)


Oh man, I sure hope he will make it through the night honey...I am so sorry you are going through this with your little man !
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It sounds like he might have fluid in his chest somewhere, maybe from a heart condition. Take him to the vet as soon as you can.

Can you syringe feed him some water and pellet mash (or Critical Care if you have some of that)? It's important that guinea pigs always have food in their digestive systems, and he'll need the fluids too if he hasn't had any water for several hours.

I'll send out some good vibes to your little pig. I hope he makes it through the night too.
Thank you all for the replies and support. I adopted him this past August so I don't know much about his history either. I took both my piggies to the vet about a month ago because my other one, Oreo, was sneezing a lot and they were both put on antibiotics for a slight URI (not that Pumbaa, my sick piggy, liked the meds at all). Right now he's still hanging in there but I can still tell somethings wrong. I was able to feed him a couple of pieces of cucumber last night that way he got some food and water in him that way. My vet in town is out today (ugh!) but thank God I was able to find another vet 30 minutes away and he's got an appointment in about an hour! Hopefully all goes well.
I had to put Pumbaa down this morning :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I have been crying pretty much ever since because he went too soon. I only had him for 3 months. He was the sweetest piggy, he would cuddle up on your lap and give little guinea pig kisses (he loovvveedd to lick lol). It all just happened so fast and there was nothing I could do. He was in so much distress he couldn't breathe right. I couldn't let him keep suffering so I did what was best for him. I wish he didn't have to go but I'm sure he's having a party in the big heaven of hay. Now I just have to keep an eye on Oreo. I think a huge part of Pumbaa's problem was that his previous owners made him so overweight. I just want to make sure Oreo doesn't get depressed or anything. I'm going to look into adopting another one soon though. Thank you again for all your replies. It meant a lot.
I'm so very sorry. RIP little one. =(
I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and Oreo.
Ohhhh that's so sad. I'm so sorry that you had to make that tough decision. It's never an easy one to make but it sounds like you made the right decision for your situation. You didn't want him to suffer. You are right, he probably is partying it up over the rainbow bridge!
Awwwww I am soooo sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is when you lose an animal friend. Hopefully Oreo will be ok, if not a new piggy friend might help him and you. You're in mine and Phill's prayers!
Thanks guys :') It's the first time I've ever lost someone/something close to me so it's just extra hard right now. Oreo is doing ok, he just wants to cuddle a lot which is unlike him because he's still pretty young and just wants to run around everywhere but other than that he's being a trooper. I'm definitely looking in to another adoption. I think it will be best for both of us. Pumbaa will always be in our hearts though. I'm so very grateful I was able to give him a loving home for the past three months. He was truly a sweetheart.
Oh honey, ohhh I am so very sorry for the loss of Pumbaa...sending you some warm comforting thoughts and prayers to heaven for you during this time of great pain and grief. BIG HUGS to you and Oreo. I am so so sorry. I am grateful too, that Pumbaa had a loving home with you to enjoy these past few months, and I am sure he is prancing about and eating "heavenly hay" and chomping down some delicious green grass and clover over the rainbow bridge of heaven.

Just wondering...will you be doing a necropsy to determine what happened to Pumbaa ?
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