I adopted my piggies on October 31st and for the past three months one of them, Buttercup, has had nonstop mushy poops. Sometimes they are really long, like 1.5 inches long, and they are always very wet and very smelly. It is driving me crazy because she and her sister are always stepping in it and I feel like I am constantly giving them poop shoe baths! Also, it's not a matter of not cleaning their cage enough because their cage is right next to my desk and every time I hear her poop I go over to pick it up
I also didn't even know that guinea pigs could fart and she farts A LOT (loudly too - one time my boyfriend heard it from all the way across the room). This usually happens before or after she poops but sometimes it just happens randomly. Also, everytime she poops she tenses her body up and makes a high pitched sound several times until the poop comes out. It is almost like she is constipated and having to push really hard to get her poops out, but how can she be constipated when everything is so mushy?
I don't understand because her sister has such nice, firm, little coffee bean poops. I took them both to the vet about 2 months ago (someone I found on guinealynx and is supposedly cavy saavy) and she seemed to think that Buttercup's gastrointestinal issues might be due to an intolerance to one of the veggies I was feeding. She suggested that I cut out all vegetables entirely until the diarrhea went away and then adding them back one at a time, but I felt bad just giving them no vegetables.
------By the way, the vegetables I was feeding were green and red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, green bell peppers, cilantro, occasional zucchini, and a little bit of carrot each week. Also, they are given Cavy Cuisine pellets and an unlimited supply of Kleenmama's timothy hay.------
Anyway, I read on this website that too many veggies can often cause diarrhea, so I gradually started giving them less and less. The first week I gave them about 1/4 less - still diarrhea. The second week I gave them about 1/2 less - still diarrhea. By the third week I was giving them very few veggies and still, the was diarrhea. So finally I decided to listen to my veterinarians advice - I cut out the veggies entirely and waited for the poops to firm up. That was A MONTH AGO and she still has as much diarrhea as ever. Since being off the veggies nothing has gotten worse (farts, lengths of poops and mushiness, squeaking noise while pooping - everything is still the same) but then again nothing has gotten better.
I am at a complete loss as to what is causing this diarrhea! The only thing I can think of now is maybe she drinks too much water? (not that I would even think about taking their water away or somehow trying to limit her intake, but maybe that is the cause?) Ever since I have had her she drinks MUCH more water than her sister, seems water obsessed, and her favorite place to sleep is under the water bottles. Even though I am constantly rotating out dry towels and fleece, it still gets rather damp under there and I can't imagine that it is very comfortable for her. I think she likes sleeping there because she is so close to the water she can drink it without even getting up? She is so obsessed with water that I thought she might have diabetes, except she doesn't exhibit any of the other symptoms of it. And diabetes wouldn't explain her poop?
Sorry that this is a super long post. I am just worried, worried that the diarrhea is a symptom of something larger and that I won't find out until it is too late.
Should I do as my vet said and withhold the veggies and until her poops firm up? Or, since there haven't been any improvements after not having veggies for so long, should I just give them to her again because it's not like it makes a difference anyway? Please...someone help!!!
I also didn't even know that guinea pigs could fart and she farts A LOT (loudly too - one time my boyfriend heard it from all the way across the room). This usually happens before or after she poops but sometimes it just happens randomly. Also, everytime she poops she tenses her body up and makes a high pitched sound several times until the poop comes out. It is almost like she is constipated and having to push really hard to get her poops out, but how can she be constipated when everything is so mushy?
I don't understand because her sister has such nice, firm, little coffee bean poops. I took them both to the vet about 2 months ago (someone I found on guinealynx and is supposedly cavy saavy) and she seemed to think that Buttercup's gastrointestinal issues might be due to an intolerance to one of the veggies I was feeding. She suggested that I cut out all vegetables entirely until the diarrhea went away and then adding them back one at a time, but I felt bad just giving them no vegetables.
------By the way, the vegetables I was feeding were green and red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, green bell peppers, cilantro, occasional zucchini, and a little bit of carrot each week. Also, they are given Cavy Cuisine pellets and an unlimited supply of Kleenmama's timothy hay.------
Anyway, I read on this website that too many veggies can often cause diarrhea, so I gradually started giving them less and less. The first week I gave them about 1/4 less - still diarrhea. The second week I gave them about 1/2 less - still diarrhea. By the third week I was giving them very few veggies and still, the was diarrhea. So finally I decided to listen to my veterinarians advice - I cut out the veggies entirely and waited for the poops to firm up. That was A MONTH AGO and she still has as much diarrhea as ever. Since being off the veggies nothing has gotten worse (farts, lengths of poops and mushiness, squeaking noise while pooping - everything is still the same) but then again nothing has gotten better.
I am at a complete loss as to what is causing this diarrhea! The only thing I can think of now is maybe she drinks too much water? (not that I would even think about taking their water away or somehow trying to limit her intake, but maybe that is the cause?) Ever since I have had her she drinks MUCH more water than her sister, seems water obsessed, and her favorite place to sleep is under the water bottles. Even though I am constantly rotating out dry towels and fleece, it still gets rather damp under there and I can't imagine that it is very comfortable for her. I think she likes sleeping there because she is so close to the water she can drink it without even getting up? She is so obsessed with water that I thought she might have diabetes, except she doesn't exhibit any of the other symptoms of it. And diabetes wouldn't explain her poop?
Sorry that this is a super long post. I am just worried, worried that the diarrhea is a symptom of something larger and that I won't find out until it is too late.
- What is the cause of that high pitched squeaking sound?
- Why, when Piggy poops everything seems to just slide out naturally, but when Bcup does it it seems like she is really straining herself?
- Why is she still have diarrhea after a month of absolutely no veggies?
Should I do as my vet said and withhold the veggies and until her poops firm up? Or, since there haven't been any improvements after not having veggies for so long, should I just give them to her again because it's not like it makes a difference anyway? Please...someone help!!!