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Videos Help me with homework: clips of piggies running for cover

Missing Ixi

New Member
Cavy Gazer
Sep 30, 2021
Hi! I am wondering if any of you would be willing to send me little video clips of your piggies running for cover. You know when you open the door and they instinctively get under something or into something in case you are a predator? Or when there’s a sudden noise and they scatter?

It’s a difficult assignment to explain, but I am going to dash under things in public like a guinea pig would. I need videos of piggies diving for cover for it to work, though, and my last piggie died (at an old age, after a happily spoiled life), so I cannot film her. I can’t access the laptop with all of my videos of her, either.

I don’t know if you can post video clips here, if you can’t, does anyone know of any videos like that posted somewhere online? My googling has been unsuccessful, since most videos are of the pigs after they’ve realized they’re not being hunted and come back out.

Thank you in advance for anyone willing to help!
All done, no longer needed.
I do apologize, I wanted to help out but never been recording my pigs when they've done that!
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