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Injury HELP! Im afraid my pig may have eaten a staple!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 31, 2010
My boys were chewing on some paper and I am afraid they may have eaten a staple! I am not sure though. Is that even possible?! I tried biting through a staple and couldnt and I think a staple is too wide to fit in there mouth as is. So it would have to be bitten straight first? I am super paranoid though usually. Is this possible?
Yes, it's possible that they ate it. The only way to know for sure is to take the pigs to an exotic vet for an x-ray.
My exotic vet is closed. Theres an emergency vet but they typically only do dogs and cats. The otehr emergency vet will not see guinea pigs at all. Do I wait until the morning for an xray or take them tonight to the vet who doesnt typically work with pigs??
Oh thank goodness...found the staple..it looked like hay! Mommy is an idiot for not realizing they were eating my syllabus as they sat on my lap. My heart can beat again.
Glad you found it!
So glad you found itand before I read your post so I didn't have to worry :)!
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