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Help I think I might loose baby Holly.


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 28, 2004
When Holly was born she was healthy and full normal size. She was born on December 19th. Yesterday she wouldnt stop crying and all the piggies kept bothering her and Squeakers (her mommy) kept her from milking. When Holly is trying to drink from her mommy her other 2 siblings would push her away. She loves to eat veggies. I gave her a green pepper yesterday and she bit it once and dropped it. She wont eat pellets anymore and hadnt drinken water from the bottle. I have her out with Squeakers to be alone. she hasnt cried but didnt really drink from her mommy. I crushed up pellets with water and got a little in her mouth to eat. I sliced up bananas and she ate a half a slice with no problems. What do you think it is. I cant get her to the vet yet until I get money from work. Im going to call avet tomorrow to ask question and I will be going to Giant Eagles to get some baby food. I have apple sauce but it has cinnamon in it. Is that ok. Help please until morning.

no she is black, brown, and very little white.
I have started with the pellets. I just put up a temporary cage for the mommy and Holly. they all are 2 weeks of age. She was fine 2 days ago eating, popcorning and everything. All she does is cry and If her mommy leaves her she sits there and cry. Could she be maybe blind. Her eyes are normal and black.
You can usually tell if they are blind. They normally react to run away if you go to pick them up or even get close. What does she do?

Just make sure she gets some alone time with the mom.
she ate a little bit more crushed wet pellets. She had a little bit of water too. At least she is eating a bit. Im hoping her mommy will milk her again soon. I just put her 2 sisters in with her to see how she is right now. She seems to be happy and following them around.
she used to run before. But when I aproched to her to get her out of their big cage she sorta sat there until she felt my presents. She was alone with her mom for 2 hours now. i jsut put the others in to get some milk and then I will get them out befor I get to bed.
she is right now drinking with her sister blizzard from their mommy. Hopefully this will help. I had just Holly and her mom alone and Holly wouldnt drink her moms milk but then I put her siblings in there she is now drinking her moms milk. Im gonna stay up for another 30 mins or so and then Im gonna put her 2 sister back with the other piggers until I get up in the morning.
awww hope she gets better!!
I got her to eat a half a slice of banana again a bit of crushed pellets and very little water. Not sure yet all she wants to do is cuddle and sleep. Her breathing sounds fine but she seems to be having a hard time catching her breath.
sofiemuffins said:
This is off subject...but are PEW's often lethals?? Do they tend to have more medical problems?
No. Most PEW's are perfectly fine, however if you have one with trouble eating, blind, deaf etc. it's probably a lethal.

AngelsCavies, Are you going to take her to a vet?
She is not white with pinked eyed. I got her eating now and called the vet and she told me what to do on getting her to eat. I dont think she is deaf or blind. She kinda skittered when I got near her just a moment ago. Its time for her feeding again.
Thresa or Treen,

I have one question, Could you use 100 percent juice for the piggies. Like apple juice maybe or apple sauce. Or should I get fresh apples and crush them like apple sauce or juice.
She ate very very little and refused to drink from mommy and her mommy refused to let her. She seems to be having a hard time catching her breath. All she wants to do is lay there and sleep.
I hope she gets better.
She needs a vet. I guess I would try to juice to perk her up, but if she's dehydrated, she needs subcue fluids. From your description, it sounds like she's dying. It could be an internal problem that you won't be able to fix. You need to keep her warm, too. Her body won't have enough energy to keep herself warm.
This happend with my friends guinea pig. She gave birth to two babies, one was still born the other one was fine until later that day (after birth) her mother seemed to lose interest in her, she wouldn't let her get milk, and she would bite her when she came near. I phoned a vet and had to feed her a kittle milk replacement suppliment. But despite the late nights and the effort, she past away two days later. watch for trouble breathing.thats when you know something is really wrong.
Yeah but she is 2weeks old though. she was up and perky till yesterday. I gave her some apple juice and she like it. she had 1.5 ccs of it. I will be giving her more. Thank you cinn. She is my favorit piggie out of her 2 siblings and thats why I named her Holly. Right now Im heart broken and I think somthing happened to her in the cage when we wernt around. I have been crying since 10 am and my husband is devestated too. She might be our first piggie to loose.
*wishing Holly lots of strength*
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