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Help!!!!Fighting piggies


New Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 5, 2012
I've recently been away for a month and I've just got my boys back. They've always gotten on so well, since I've got them back and whilst they've been away they've been really fighting, blood and everything. They have lots of room, run of the dinning room so there's definitely not a space issue. Do I leave them to it and hop ether settle back in or separate, I'm worried as one is limping and when they fight it's very vicious x I have two boy piggies brought up together since birth and now about I year old
Separate immediately! The upset to their location and routine has started a war for dominance. Cage them side by side if they don't fight through the bars. Once they get back into their routine and settle down, you can try to get them together again. Why is one limping? He might need a vet visit.
I agree, the rule of thumb is if there is any blood, separate immidietly. If he's limping he might have a broken bone, and should be taken to the vet.
Broken bone or torn muscle/tendon/ligaments. It sounds pretty nasy if they have a dining room and are still drawing blood.
Thanks every one I've separated them and will head to the vets. Time to buy two cages I guess
Thanks every one I've separated them and will head to the vets. Time to buy two cages I guess

I'm a little confused. Right now are they free range piggies? Why would you need to buy 2 new cages, don't you already have one?
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