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Canada Help, Cannot find coroplast


mike d 88

I live in Niagara Falls Canada, I am making a cage for my pigs but cannot find coroplast, Can anyone help me???


do you have a home depot or other similar LARGE home improvement store in your area? Home Depot and The Building Box and those sort, ALWAYS carry the large 4x8' sheets of the coroplast.
ANY art store in canada will Sell coroplast.Wallacks i know theres one in St catherines
Curry's art store also carries coroplast.

UH! Home depot in canada carries coroplast?!?! I'm jealous! I wish they carried it in the US that would make my life a lot easier.
Rona and Home Hardware have coroplast too (at least in western canada anyways)
mike d 88 said:
I live in Niagara Falls Canada, I am making a cage for my pigs but cannot find coroplast, Can anyone help me???

Look at the date this was posted - 02-15-03.
hmmmmmm...i think he would have found it by now. hehe.

thanks for pointing that out cinn&sprinslave!
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