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Help....Allergic to my pet!

mama M

Cavy Slave
Dec 3, 2004
I have been having trouble with my eyes and couldn't figure out what was causing the redness, itching and swelling...until I got one of my cavies hairs in my eye one night. It was swollen shut the next morning. My eye doctor said that I had severe allergies...to my sweet Chester!! He said he had seen it alot with people who have them as pets and all he could offer was some allergy drops...and suggested I get rid of him. NO WAY!! Does anyone have any suggestions? I have not held him in several days..only petted his head. My daughter holds him often, so he gets plenty of attention, but I want to be able to "love" him too. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Ummm...Maybe you could try the allergy drops your doctor mentioned... They might work and they might not... Sorry, can't think of anything else...:) Hope SOMEthing works!!!

Oh, yeah, and welcome to the board! (I see you've only written one post. :)

have you tried those allergy pills that you can get at cvs and walmart? they worked really well for me! good luck!try some kind of medicine, i'm sure it will help tons! also, febreeze has an alergen spray, i spray it around the room/apt whenever the piggies have been out, and near there cage, but far enough away so that it won't bother them. that helps alot too. maybe hold them in a towel or old t-shirt when your "loving" on them! good luck!
Are you sure you are allergic to the pig and not his hay or bedding? It's actually pretty rare for people to be allergic to the pigs themselves, because they have hair and not fur.
sometimes you can get desensitizations shots to help with that, and there are different kinds that last different amounts of time, but for that length of time you are not allergic, or less allergic to whatever it is (in this case, the pig) and maybe you could use that in combonation with the drops or the medication. there is a section that says a bunch of stuff about allergies, but i cannot find it, it is either in the cavy spirit or cavycages page. you could get a HEPA or ULPA (ULPA preferred) or other type of air purifier and put that by the cage and/or have one in your room all day, with the door closed, the filter on high, and then you will at leats feel better in the morning and overnight. Take the cage outside to clean, or have somebody else do it if it is possible you are allergic to the bedding or something. also maybe have somebody else fill paper bags with hay and fold them over, you just put it in, bag and all, they love to play with the bag, if that is possible that you are allergic to the hay. Be sure not to let them touch your face/neck, which is usually more sensitive than the rest of the body, and hold the pigs on towels or something, with gloves maybe, or change your clothes. I hope this or something helps, good luck.​
Sorry for the long post​
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Thanks for the help and suggestions.

I appreciate it.
i have not personally been allergic to my pets, but i read somewhere (this forum?) that some people have used an air purifier in the same room as the piggies and their symptoms cleared up.

the air purifier will take out the animal dander in the air (if that is what you are allergic to), and it would also help with either the hay/bedding dust as well. i think its worth a try.

let us know what you decide.
I appreciate all of your help....I held Chester Sunday night and Monday morning my eyes were matted up and VERY red. I held him last night and my eyes were fine this morning--they just felt sort of dry. Strange. Anyway, he's here to stay reguardless....I just would like to get to the root of the problem so I might can help it some. I know it's stemming somewhere from my exposure to him because I only have the problem with my eyes after I hold him.

Thank you all again~
I'm allergic to mine too.. where i touch them...like when they crawl into my hair, my neck gets itchy and sometimes i get bumps there and sometimes sneeze like non-stop...but i've learned to live with it..lol it isnt as bad as it sounds : P
Sorry you're allergic to your pet....but it's nice to know that I'm not alone. People think I'm crazy for keeping him, but I'm so attached I wouldn't dream of it unless one of my kids were having a reaction to him. Nice to hear from someone else who knows where I'm coming from.
ya *sigh* its a pain...but i couldn't give up my lil piggies~!~ lol = D although u know i wish i really wish i wasn't allergic!~

im sorry you're allergic too..i knows its hard...but we can deal right? lol : D
I'm trying not to get my face too close to him, but it's so hard because he's so sweet! He's actually my daughter's pet, but I've gotten so attached to him. I'm the one who changes his bed and he's already learned that I am his food source-ha!ha!-He's waiting every morning on his oranges. We've only had him for 3 months--he was returned to a pet store because his owner was tired of taking care of him--we adopted him. I didn't start having a problem with my eyes until about a month and a half ago....I was fine at first.
well you can't give him up!! lol he seems soo sweet. Thats weird that u just developed the allergies...
Just make sure and try not to put him close to your face and as soon as you are done holding him go straight to the restroom and wash your hands.......before you touch your face with them, this helps me alot. I go throgh spells were mine bother me and then they dont I also take Allegra from dr when my eyes and stuff bother me.
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