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Cavy Slave
Dec 3, 2004
I am a new member here. For the past couple days I've been reading and reading. I recently, about 6 months ago, got a pair of Piggys. I have large cages for each of them and both are in very good health. They also have a large floor cage to scoot around in. The female was pregnant when I got her, "Mouse" because at the pet shop they of course had all of them together. Mouse had 4 beautiful little piggys, and I have found good homes for them with the understanding that if for some reason someone doesn't want to keep them they can return to me. "Patches" my male is a tri- color hence his name. He is a very lovable little pig. I have recently gotten another pig, her name is "Bonnie", she is in with Mouse now and they get along fine. Bonnie is most likely pregnant also so I will be keeping an eye on her. I am looking for a nuetered male to hang out with Patches so he has a friend to run around with.
I really wanted to converse with other people that have Guinea pigs. But it seems that if you bought (rescued) your pigs from a pet shop, you are the enemy. I agree with you all that pet shops most often have all the piggys together and are housed in poor conditions. So, if there are females they are most likely getting bred or will be soon. You all say about how bad the conditions are in a pet shop but you won't try to rescue the ones that are in there? They are all ready here too, they need rescued just as much as the one the little kid lost interest in. Most people would have no idea how to get a pig other then a pet store. It seems to me you need to be concentrating on the mill breeders that don't give 2 sh-ts about the piggys.
You have some kids on here that are taking the time to ask questions and try to get some help in caring for their pets. Get some education out there, volunteer to take your pigs to a local elementary school. Educate about neutering their pets, all pets for that matter. The dog world has the same problem, back yard breeders have ruined fine breeds because of too much in breeding.
My daughter works at a pet shop, she does her best to see that the animals are well taken care of. I've been in every pet shop with in 50 miles of my house, the majority of them aren't kept the way they should be. But there are also a couple pet shops in my area that do some good too. They invite kids, that want to volunteer to take care of the animals, and train them on the proper way of doing that. They educate the children and the animals are cared for and played with, which in the end results in a nicer pet. The animals are housed correctly also.
At my house we have a lot of pets, when I go in a pet shop and see a bird or furry little animal that doesn't look too good. Guess who ends up going home with that one! Me, I have a few local shops that will call me now when they have a animal that isn't looking so well, I go and get it and nurse it back to health most of the time anyhow. Sometimes I find homes for them or they stay here with everybody else. We have 1 horse, 4 dogs, 2 cats, 40 birds, 3 guinea pigs. Sometimes I lose em but they at least had a chance. Sorry I'll get off my soapbox! I totally realize that this type of problem is a cause, but if we would all do what all we could maybe there wouldn't be so many animals out there that aren't cared for.
Hope everyone has a nice holiday and don't buy anybody a pet for Christmas it's too much for the pet on such a hetic day!
Wow, I have to congratulate you on such an admirable cause. If I was only older and had sufficient funds, I might try the same thing. Hopefully one day I will. I too, buy my pigs from the pet shop, because that's really the only option available that is less than an hour and a half away and, seeing as I cannot drive, I depend on my parents to drive me their, which they won't drive me that far. I, however, only buy them from my family friend's locally owned pet store, where they are taken excellent care of. As much as it may seem that members on this board get hostile when it comes to these issues, we just get a little riled up when it comes to our pigs. Some people may only see their side, which is, if you buy a pig from a pet store, than that just leaves more room for another pig. But some people also often see your side, and those people, I have found, are some of the most helpful and caring people on this board. it may take sometime to be able to accept other people's opinions on this board, as it is always harder to sort out feelings on a forum because you can't hear them speaking. But don't take anything too personally. I've been here only two weeks and have already learned so much about my little cavy, which I have had for over one year! Welcome to the boards, I hope you find as much useful information as I have!
Sorry, but it seems like you're just enabling the pet shops. Did any of them reinburse you for the medical care? It's their (and the breeder's) responsibility. Supply and demand. And if they stop making money from selling live animals because vet bills and proper care exceed their income, then maybe they will stop.

There are not enough homes to go around. Simple fact. I'd drive a hundred miles to save a shelter pig before "saving" a pet store guinea pig if you want to call it that.
Welcome to the forums.

You have some kids on here that are taking the time to ask questions and try to get some help in caring for their pets. Get some education out there, . . .

Exactly. Educating the kids is precisely what I am doing by taking a tough stance on the tough issues. I am extremely impressed with the way so many of the young people on this forum are learning about the issues that seem to elude many, many adults. Really, if you want a board full of fluff and smilies that encourages breeding and that says, yes, it's okay to buy an animal from a pet store, you don't have far to look.

It seems to me you need to be concentrating on the mill breeders that don't give 2 sh-ts about the piggys.

There is no quick fix. There is no 'one way' to solve the problems (and there are a number of problems). However, the pet trade business is a business. A BIG part of moving forward to a better day for the animals is to DO YOUR PART. STOP buying animals from the pet stores. The mill breeders exist because YOU (that's the collective you) buy animals from the pet stores. You stop. They stop.

But it seems that if you bought (rescued) your pigs from a pet shop, you are the enemy.

I wouldn't use the word enemy. I would say that, the vast majority of us made that mistake once. I would say that most people come to learn about the bigger picture and how their seemingly insignificant decisions, in fact, play a role in helping or hurting more creatures that they will never see. So, no, you are not the enemy, I might just say unenlightened. And many of the folks on this forum (young and let's say mature, alike), are passionate about trying to get the messages communicated and understood.

Again, I welcome you to the forum. I welcome your participation. There are some great cavy lovers here who love to share all kinds of things. That much is undeniable.
I didn't even read your entire post, but I agree whole-heartedly w/ you on the "save the pet store animals" topic. That is just what I did.. Instead of someone else who doesn't know hwat they are doing, who are going to turn their animals over to the shelter anyway getting my piggies, I "saved" them.

I congratulate you too, for speaking up!

I admire that you take sick animals from pet stores and nurse them back to health.
But aren't the pet stores responsible for looking after all their pigs and paying the vet bills? Aren't you just reducing their business expenses and helping them make more

You seem like a very caring person who loves animals. I would suggest that you spend some time volunteering in a shelter and I guarantee you will find it rewarding. You've seen the pet store side of things. How about seeing the other side of the story?
i have to sympathize. I dont think any of us will live to see a day where animal cruelty dosent happen. nor will we see a world of pet stores that dont sell "piggy mill" pets. So while i realize it financialy supports the bad guys I also think that to be stubborn and deny those animals love simply because of thier misfortune is nearly as cruel as thier existing predicament.
I dont think any of us will live to see a day where animal cruelty dosent happen. nor will we see a world of pet stores that dont sell "piggy mill" pets.

Woe is me. Nothing's ever going to change. Therefore, give up now. No use in trying. My vote doesn't make a difference. Boohoo. I can't change anything, so might as well stick my head in the sand and go with the flow.

Enough cliches? I'd say so.

I also think that to be stubborn and deny those animals love simply because of thier misfortune is nearly as cruel as thier existing predicament.

IF you were choosing between BUYING that pig and NO other pig in need of a home existed, then perhaps your logic might play. But, that is far, far from the case. It's DOOR NUMBER 1: a pig to ADOPT, versus DOOR NUMBER 2: a pig to BUY. Sorry, but the choice of door number 2 is the cruel choice. You just can't see everything behind the doors. Your denial strategy works well in this case.
yikes your stongly opinionated.

=D I think i like you!

^^ *respects*
:) Well, I honestly believe that the hard cold facts speak for themselves.

But if you had sunk over $100,000 of your own savings into rescue, seen as many horrors, talked to as many hundreds of people, cried as many tears over as many animals, helped rehome over 1000 only to know that it's barely a dent, argued the same bloody points over and over and over again so many times that you want to shoot yourself over the frustration, you'd probably be just a little strongly opinionated, too.

....she says with a smile....
like i said before:

welcome! i noticed you wanted to get another male for your male piggie, but if the females will be kept in the same room as the males (of even if they can smell them) the males will most likely fight. male guinea pigs usually only get along if there are no females around for them to fight over.
That's not necessarily true. If a sow is in heat, there may be a squabble, but I have them in the same room and I know of others that do too.

Starbucks said:
welcome! i noticed you wanted to get another male for your male piggie, but if the females will be kept in the same room as the males (of even if they can smell them) the males will most likely fight. male guinea pigs usually only get along if there are no females around for them to fight over.
AngelsCavies has hers side by side.She has great pics.
Setsuna, I totally realize what you are saying that pet store pigs deserve compassion too because it's not their fault they're where they are. Problem is if you buy a pig from a pet store, maybe you alleviate it's suffering, but then another pig will be born to replace it and will suffer too. So really that 2nd pig wouldn't have to suffer if you hadn't bought the 1st pig. See what I'm saying? It's like your 'good deed' is being cancelled out because now another animal is needlessly suffering. This doesn't happen if you rescue a pig from a shelter.
I have a feeling wether i buy that store piggy or not Piggy #2 is going to be born and either bought or fed to a snake.
Setsuna said:
I have a feeling wether i buy that store piggy or not Piggy #2 is going to be born and either bought or fed to a snake.
It's possible that it will be born, yes, but if you didn't buy the first one from the pet store, the pet store would realize that they aren't making money off of the animal and eventually stop buying, and the breeder would stop breeding. By buying one from a pet store, you are condemning hundreds or even thousands to suffering and death. Do you know about puppymills? Would you buy a puppy from a pet store and support them?

People say pet store will never stop selling animals, however, many in my area have gone to only selling supplies, and/or fish (there really no fish in rescues, some yes, but few and far in between) why? Because people stopped buying.

When you adopt a pig, you are saving 2 lives instead of making more suffer. You are saving the life of the one in the shelter and also making room for another one to enter.
=I Your not hearing me. even if they stop selling at the stores the piggies will still be bred and used for feed. Unless that is your planing on turing snakes into vegans that is...
our not hearing me. even if they stop selling at the stores the piggies will still be bred and used for feed.
But they won't be bred in mass quantities because they won't be supplied to pet stores. I met a guinea pig miller a few weeks ago. I didn't see where he kept his pigs, but he has 40 females in with one male(his words and he was proud of it!). The pigs he was selling at the flea market were covered in mites and lice, they were also malnourished. He had about 30 cavies in a 1x2 space, he didn't know their ages, sexs, or breeds. The bedding had maggots in it. When I asked him what he does with them he said he supplies all the pet stores throughout Ohio and West Virginia. Now, do you think he would be breeding if the pet stores stopped buying?

1 sow can produce on average 3-5 pups every two months. Times that by 40, he produces about 1200 a year, if not more.

Now, most people feed their snakes rats and mice. I would say about 1/100 people feed their snakes cavies as rats and mice are more easily digested. Also, some people feed frozen as live animals pose a danger to snakes.

If pet stores weren't supplied, the breeding would drop dramatically.
Some people feed larger snakes rabbits and guinea pigs. The guys across the street from us had a huge python and when it wouldent eat a rabbit the people let it go loose in our neighborhood. My mom cought it and we kept it until we found it a great home.
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