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Hello From Illinois


Cavy Slave
Jan 24, 2012
Hello everyone. Just wanted to stop in and say Hi. :)

I've been lurking since August of 2011 when my family and I adopted our first set of pigs. I've learned so much from all of you and appreciate the time that you put into making this a great place for people like me to get trusted information.

A little about me -- I'm 33, the mom of 5 kids, and I live in Illinois.

We currently have 7 pigs. Butter & Isabella are our 2 pretty girls. We have one long haired pig, Harry, who shares a home with Biscuit.

3 of our youngest pigs are Harvey, Butt & Turdstepper. These poor guys were named by my husband. LOL With names like those, you'd think he despises them but, he spends quite a bit of time at their cages talking to them and feeding them treats. He's not fooling anyone. :)

We've been thinking about a cage redesign so I've been looking at the different cages for a few days and decided I'd go ahead and sign up and post some pictures of ours.
Hi, I can't wait to see pictures of your piggies. I am from Illinois, too :)
Cool beans. Where are you in Illinois? I'm about 30 miles from Champaign.
Wow, what a busy household you must have! I read the part of your husband naming and spending time with the pigs to my husband and he laughed. He secretly visits our pigs too! I only let him name the fish though and they all have football player names.

Looking forward to seeing your pigtures!
In looking for pigtures to upload, I've discovered that I do far too much texting. Apparently I don't save enough pictures. hahaa I did upload the few that I could find.

My friend says that the husband must part Indian based on how he names animals. The first thing he sees, or a noticable characteristic, and boom... he comes up with a name. Butt is Butter's son. He has her pattern, but backwards. Basically, he looks like Butter's butt. *laughs* And poor little Turdstepper, he has 3 white feet and 1 brown foot, making him look like ...... well, he's been turdsteppin'. :)
Hi, and welcome! I live in the western suburbs of IL and have 7 guinea pigs, too. I have three females in a 2 x 5: Curly Fry (sponsored senior from Critter Corral Guinea Pig Rescue) who turned 9 in November, Princess Wolfbane (Critter Corral) and Wishbone (Craigslist from a young girl on traveling soccer team.) My husband named her Wishbone because she looks like Wishbone the dog. In a 2 x 4 we have two males; Raichu (sponsored senior from Critter Corral) and Rigatoni (from a rabbit rescue.) I had Rigatoni neutered and he lived with the three girls in a 2 x 6 until I decided to move him with Raichu who lived alone. Wishbone really picked on him and I felt sorry for him. We started to think we should have named her Little Pit Bull and him Weenie.... In another 2 x 4 we have mom and daughter texels from a teen boy who listed them on Craigslist due to too much upkeep with school activities; Pichu and Moo. You sound like you have a very busy household. My kids are still at home but one is working and in grad school and the other is in college. This is the best site to share information and get good info.
Hi!! I am in the northwest suberbs of Chicago, 10 min. to Ohare and 30 to Chicago.

SO glad you joined!! Tons of info here!! Lets see some pictures!!
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