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Sounds he doesn't make any nosiness


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 18, 2011
:sorry: my guinea pig wont make any nosiness i dont know why:(:?: it worrys me! but he is only been mine for 4 days and he seems happy though! he pop corns randomly and he likes beening petted in his cage! is this normal?
I have one piggie who only makes noises when he is being petted, he purrs or when he is getting his fav, banana...He will wheek wheek wheek! :) If you only had him 4 days he is still getting use to you and his new home. Don't worry. :)
Ginger is the same way. She's super friendly and this is her 3rd day here! Like the previous post said, she's still getting used to you. Ginger only purrs and chutts when I pet her. Other than that, she veeerrrryyy quietly wheeks for veggies. Rarely though :( But still, I think she will come out of her shell soon, and hopefully your piggy will too :)
My new piggy didn't make any noises for the first few weeks I had him. But he soon learned from my older piggy that being loud usually gets you treats, now he is quick to chime in haha

Give it some time! Maybe he will be like mine and start wheeking eventually :)
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