I've had my cavies for a few weeks now. They honestly hate to be picked up and held. They can tolerate being held, but they would really rather not be. I handle them every day, and feed them well, and built a nice big 2 x4 cage, which they love (even though I can't really walk around the room much). They are not really scared of me, because they come and sniff my hand if I put it in the cage, but they can sense when I am going to pick them up and run. Also, I can't hold them for too long, because they pee and poop on me. I only have so many towels, and its annoying having to do laundry so often..... I've tried to "litter train" them, but it hasn't had a great amount of success. What gets cavy pee stains out of couches? They also scratch and bite and scream. I'm not mean to them at all....
Did I just get bad pigs? Will they become better companion pets? Or should I just resign them as "watch me" pets, and get a rabbit?
Did I just get bad pigs? Will they become better companion pets? Or should I just resign them as "watch me" pets, and get a rabbit?