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Hand Feeding


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 8, 2004
Do any of you have any experience hand-feeding babies? I have 4 12 hour old chinchilla babies that need to be hand-fed. I got the formula from the vet, but I am having trouble getting the babies to take it. I've used both an eye dropper and a nipple designed for small rodents. I'd appreciate any suggestions. The littlest one is about the size of a dwarf hamster, and I'm afraid if I don't get it to eat soon, that it will die, and I don't want that.
Sorry Susan, I can't help as I don't know the first thing about Chins. I wish you luck and hope you can get the babies eating.
Has anyone fed baby guinea pigs by hand? If so, how have you gotten them to eat? I don't imagine that it would be too much different for chins ....
A syringe (minus the needle) is the best choice. Load it with milk, hold the baby on it's back with the head elevated, work it into the mouth a little to one side (to avoid any front teeth if present yet). Try to get the syringe tip at least over the middle of the tongue. If the syringe has no tip a small piece of aquarium tubing (firmly anchored) will help extend it. Gently and slowly feed the milk. Watch the nose for signs of asperation. If milk bubbles come out the nose stop immediatly, hold the baby upside down and gently tap on it's back. Wipe away the milk with a soft towel and resume feeding. Be sure to give the baby enough time to swallow between squirts.

If you have no syringes or can't get them quickly a baby's nose and throat bulb syringe (for human babies) may work. However the flow of milk is much harder to control.

After feeding make certain to keep the babies warm. Pet them to stimulate them and be sure to wipe a warm, damp cotton ball or cloth over their urethra and rectum to stimulate urination and bowel movement.

Good luck.
I've hand-fed guinea pigs, but they weren't babies so I don't know if I can help you. I used a 1 CC syringe which you can get from a drugstore and just remove the needle.

For one of my pigs, I put a towel on my lap, then put the guinea pig on his back at a slight slope. Then I folded the towel over to cover his belly and keep him warm and left his head sticking out. Then I held his head firm and depressed the syringe slowly. As long as they are making a chewing motion, they are swallowing. I gave him little breaks now and then and recorded how much he ate and weighed him several times a day.

With my other pig, I made him go in his cozy and folded the cozy back until just his head was sticking out. This 'pocket' made him feel more secure and he struggled less. His body was in a vertical position inside the cozy which made it less likely that he get fluid in his lungs. All I had to do was hold is head rather than worry about his body moving.

You could try putting the babies in a sock or some other type of pocket. It might make it much easier to feed them. Good luck!
I'd post your question over at Guinea Lynx (broken link removed) - I'm sure you'll get some great help.

There's also a page with some information on about hand feeding young pups on there which may have some tips you can use for your chins. https://www.guinealynx.info/handfeeding.html#pups

Lots of luck.
Thanks guys, for all the help. Unfortunately, the smallest baby chin passed away last night. I'm going to keep hand feeding the other three, so your suggestions will be a great help. Thanks again.
I'm sorry to hear that, Susan. Good luck with the other ones, I'm sure with your care, they will make it. Feed them frequently and keep weighing them and they'll do all right.
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