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Other Hampster went long without water :( PLEASE HELP


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 21, 2014
Irresponsible, inexcuseable, I should have used my brain and known that from past experiences SOMETIMES when you fill the water bottle it doesn't always seal properly and the water can leak out.

My heart stopped in my chest when I figured out he wasn't getting water (hence his desperate trys all night for it without success, and here I thought he was just extra thirsty)

Please don't flame, I am beating the crap out of myself for this, my poor little fuzzy baby was so thirsty :( the reason I made this thread is I wondered if there were any lasting issues I should watch for, should I run him to the vet? He has drank a lot of water since I figured out the problem and fixed it, he seems ok, still eating, still active during the times he should be, and sleeping when he should.

I'm so terrified I could have cost him his life, and I just wondered if I should still be worried about his life as well :(

Also - I know this is for guinea pigs, but I don't know where else to turn for help ._.
How long was he without water? One night?
I think he should be fine if it was only one night, especially if he's behaving the same...
For future reference, hamstercentral.com and hamsterhideout.com are both great hamster sites with helpful forums.
I'm sure he'll be fine. One caution (which you're already past that point) is that when an animal is without water for a long period of time they will usually chug water quickly. That can be dangerous. We had a horse (before I was born) who was sent with a stupid shipper who did not give her water on her trip from Iowa to California. When she arrived they gave her a full bucket of water which she drank. Her stomach actually burst as a result. Water should always be returned slowly.
Oh, @ClemmyOddieIndy, that's a horrible story. But yes, it can happen and is extra sad because it is quite avoidable.
@Kiyisha, I'm not going to rage at you or anything, but I'm sure you'll be more careful with water in the future. :)
Oh, @ClemmyOddieIndy, that's a horrible story. But yes, it can happen and is extra sad because it is quite avoidable.
@Kiyisha, I'm not going to rage at you or anything, but I'm sure you'll be more careful with water in the future. :)
Careful to the extreme! I already told hubby I'm going to be checking his water 3 times a day at least now!

Vet said he should be fine, just to keep an eye on him and if he shows any odd behavior to bring him right in. So far so good, he's just being his ADORABLY cute self ^_^

thanks for the info guys, and sorry for my mild panic attack! Gosh how something so small can hold your heart is insane.. The fear I felt was so intense omg lol
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