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Hair Fluffing?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 26, 2005
This may seem like a silly question, but I was wondering what it means when piggie's fluff their hair out? I have 2 short-haired and 2 abbys; only the 2 short-haired do this.
It usually occurs when they're eating-their fur just looks fluffier and puffs out a bit more than normal. I watch them eat every time I feed them greens, and there isn't any signs of agression.
Does anyone else notice this with their GP's? Does anyone know what this means?
Thanks very much!
My girls do this a lot when they eat. I have also seen them do it when they are "sleeping". If I am not wrong, I believe it means they are comfortable and relaxed. I have also heard it means they are ill, but mine are, in my opinion, very healthy.
I agee with Denise. Check out the pig's body position and movement while fluffing out the hair. My Marilyn has a pronounced hair fluff while enjoying her veggies. She's also a relaxed piggie in general.

Hair fluffing while sitting hunched indicates pain. See a vet if your pig shows that symptom.
Most likely they are posturing to each other to say "this is my veggie stay away".
She'll fluff it even if the other two are elsewhere in the cage eating.
I thought they fluffed out their hair for dominance, to show that one was 'bigger' than the other?
I was going to ask the exact same question today Kat! All my girls will crowd around the vegi's and fluff their fur up.
Chad, mine also do it when the others are elsewhere in the cage, even sleeping in their hidey houses. I have not seen them fluff all over their bodies to show dominance, only their neck and upper back area.
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