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Had no idea they poop so much--help


Staff member
Cavy Slave
Jan 3, 2004
from an email, I am directing him here to this thread.

I just got a piggy for my 3 year old son and am looking at all the different options for a cage. I am not familiar with the work of cavies, but...

I just have one 'big' concern - I had no idea that they 'poop' soooo much and therefore clean the cage daily. How do you have all that stuff (what is it?) on the bottom if you have to clean it so regularly ????

Also, we have named 'it' Earwig, b/c it's right hear has no hair on it. (LOL) Its pick & very transparent. Is this normal and o.k. ???

Thanks for any feedback.
Hello. Yes, its normal to have a blad spot behind each ear, there's nothing to worry about

Yup, they are pooping machines. I use towels, and I sweep up everyday with a dust pan and brush and it takes minutes, probably less than that! I change the towel every 4-5 days. I just pick up all the toys and put them all to one side.

Please be careful when your son handles the pigs. I would suggest supervising ALL the time. To be honest, I don't think he should even pick the piggy up since they are fragile animals.

Go to www.guineapigcages.com You can make a cage out of home organizer cubes (found from Target, WalMart) and coroplast (most sign stores sell this. It is corrugated plastic). One pig needs at least 7 and 1/2 square feet, the more pigs the more space needed

Speaking about more pigs... Guinea pigs do best in pair or more. They are herd animals, and they will be happiest with a companion

Are you giving fresh timothy hay daily? What sort of vegetables/pellets are you feeding? Which bedding do you use?
I agree with Piglet and such... but what kind of cage do you have? If you make a cavycage you will only ave to clean the cage every week.
If you make a cavycage you will only ave to clean the cage every week.
If you have a cubes and coroplast cage atleast a 2x3 you'll only have to clean the cage every week. If you are going to allow your son to hold the guinea have him be sitting with it on his lap and petting it and make sure you're right there the whole time.

Just a few questions to help me help you :) How big is your cage? What pellets are you feeding her? And when you say "stuff" on the bottom of the cage, are you talking about the bedding? The best bedding out there is carefresh, but it's quite expensive. Don't use cedar or pine shavings because they are too strong smelling and can give the piggy an upper respitory infection. Aspen works quite well. Are you feeding hay and veggies? Please read this https://guinealynx.info/healthycavy.html
Great site dagwell!
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