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Genitals Had no idea how much work a boar was!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 4, 2012
So I had no idea that boars had testicles. I guess I was being naive! Also I had no idea id have to clean and check his genitals. Is it wrong of my to rehome him and get a female because of this?
You really didn't think a male animal would have testicles?

It might not be a bad idea to rehome the pig but I should hope you'd do a bit more research prior to acquiring another one, whichever gender. Animals, whether male or female, are generally a lot of work and they all come with a certain "ick" factor. If testicles on a male guinea pig trouble you to the degree that you would rather rehome him than clean and check his parts, you might consider a more hands-off pet.
Oh goodness, you get used to it! I have four boars that I have to clean weekly. You eventually become a pro and it only takes 2 minutes to do. It doesn't even gross me out anymore.

Guinea pigs in general are very, very demanding pets. Even females.
It really isnt that bad, i have three boars and it seemed a little icky at first but really doesn't take much time to get used to it. And cleaning only takes a few minutes, even with how wiggly my three are. And even with a female you will have to check her to make sure everything is okie dokie. I agree with Paula as well. Can't imagine why it would other you so much. But if it does might as well find him a home that won't mind.
Well Ive always gotten female animals. I had one male dog when a child but as a child you dont notice them. LOL I guess I can give it a try.. I had two sows when younger so im used to the work, just not the boar work lol
Since you got him at Petsmart I would double check to be sure you actually have a male. It's a distinct possibility he is a she after all.
They said they never get females. We checked last night and thought it was a boar. I kinda hope when we douple check, he is eating, that its a sow.
I'm going to answer one of your boar questions that you asked on another person's tread. About the Q-tips.

Yes, you should be using Q-tips to clean the anal sac. You need something to go in there and scoop out hay, hair, and whatever else he likes to stash in there. Is there a reason you can't do the Q-tips? You should find them easily at any market.

I'd also like to link you to a few helpful pages.
They said they never get females. We checked last night and thought it was a boar. I kinda hope when we douple check, he is eating, that its a sow.

If your piggy does turn out to be a sow instead of a boar, be aware that she will probably be pregnant since she will have been housed with multiple males.

https://www.guinealynx.info/sexing.html - this link should help you figure out if you've got a boy or a girl...
Well I guess i better check lol
I am sorry, I can't see re homing him in favor of a female. He is what he is. You will get used to the maintenance. My Poppy gets kind of icky at times but as his caregiver I must tend to him.
I personally wouldn't rehome an animal because of its sex (we ended up with two opposite sex piggies because one was mis-sexed, and we just made do rather than getting rid of one). However, if you really don't think you can do what is necessary if your pig turns out to be a boar, then it's better for the animal to have another home.

Females have their own issues. For example, did you know they can develop cysts in their reproductive system? Are you prepared to provide the necessary vet care if that happens? If not, then rethink the whole "guinea pigs as pets" thing. And for goodness sakes, DO NOT get a gelding (neutered male horse). You don't even want to know what goes into cleaning and maintaining their boy bits.
lol @mufasa! Sheath cleaning is no fun. Maybe we should tell her what goes into that then a guinea pig will sound like no problem at all.
lol @mufasa ! Sheath cleaning is no fun. Maybe we should tell her what goes into that then a guinea pig will sound like no problem at all.
Amen! At least guinea pigs don't have hooves to cow-kick you with when they decide they're sick of getting their junk scrubbed.
Thank yall for your support and advice. Between my fiancee and I we did it!!! He did the gross part, I held Tapper lol
That is wonderful to hear!!!
I had to laugh reading these posts. Even we have to take care of cleanliness & good health and it is different between girls and boys. I have to be honest and admit that I am not sure what I need to do to take care of Reggie's boy parts to keep him healthy and clean. Can somebody please let me know or direct me to a link that has the information that I need.
Its taken some time and a lot of love to get Reggie healthy and to the point that he enjoys and wants to be held and played with. Last night I clipped his nails for the first time. Whew I was really nervous and he didn't care for it at all. Thankfully, he didn't hold it against me. He is also lice free and has put on weight so that he is looking healthy and full of energy. I have learned so much since I got him. Buying from a pet store is such a big risk. I am still making called and actively looking for a friend for him. All in good time right?
I also got some pictures of him and hope to have them on here soon. I have been showing off pictures to all my friends and family. My husband says That I am acting like a new mother. I feel like a new mom. I love it!!!!
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