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guinea pigs + noise


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 4, 2004
I wanted to know how sensitive are guinea pigs to noise? I ask this because we are planning in putting the ones we are adopting in the dinning room since we are in their all the time plus it's the least drafty room in our old house. But since the dinning room is the only room we have a lot of space I also quilt there. I was just wondering if there is a way I should introduce the cavies to the sewing machine? Or in the beginning should I try to sew mostly when my husband is around and he can take them into the living room to play? Any help would be great.
It might be just to loud for the piggies ears, they are sensetive to that. If there is no other less drafty room, try to do the quilt stuff and sewing in another room, so as not to upset them.
i think it should be ok after a while. my pig didnt like the tv now he doesnt even notice.
I have used my sewing machine many times from the room next to where my piggies live. The sound is no worse than the vacuum cleaner. I wouldn't think it would be a problem unless it was a very noisy machine or if the machine was on all day, every day.
Thanks. The sewing machine isnt that loud but starting jan I am going to be taking my first class so I will be sewing stuff more often. Thanks again.
I think it should be fine, but it depends with the piggers. Each has its own personality, but I don't think a sewing machine will be too much noise at all, when you think of how much we make ourselves during the day. :)
Guinea pigs enjoy some family-type activity in the room they're in. Better for a little sewing machine noise than total quiet and isolation. Just check the piggies' reaction and observe carefully.
I don't think my pigs' ears work. Everytime we lecture them, they just turn their butts to us and stare off into space. Darn misfits.
That's funny! I agree with Chad, it's better to have a bit of noise and have socialization than to live all by themselves.
liluqt said:
I don't think my pigs' ears work. Everytime we lecture them, they just turn their butts to us and stare off into space. Darn misfits.
Seems to me their ears are working fine. They know exactly when to turn on the ignore button.

Pigs are smarter than you think. Who knows what's going on in their furry little minds while they're munching the romaine.
I know their ears are working since their all scram when the front door slams shut loudly. I just wish.. they would listen to me sometimes! Lol. They are smart little buggers.
Guinea pigs don't mind noise itself. They are more curious asto what the sound means and what's going on, and if there's food involved. I took a couple to dinner last night and the pigs enjoyed being petted and massaged and fed by all the guests, amidst all of the loud talk, laughter, and yelling.

I've actually used a Flo-Bee on a couple of my pigs. As long as you aren't hurting them, they are fine with it.

Sometimes if they hear a noise they will make a stuttering noise of discontent, and if there is a high squeal, they will look for cover and wonder what's going on. For the most part, if you give them a handful of italian parsely, you can make as much noise as you want. :)
I love when my piggies do the piggie shuffle. As soon as you startle them whether it be slammin a door or just walking by normally, all 3 of my pigs will dart at 100mph in different directions into a hidey hole. It's ridiculous.
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