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Chat Guinea pigs and mental health

Heather Ost

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 5, 2014
I suppose this thread could include all pets but my guinea pigs help me more than my cat does so I'm going to talk about them. lol

I have depression, anxiety, and ADHD. I always take on responsibilities without taking my depression/ADHD into account because sometimes I view the consequences of my depression/ADHD as a personality flaw that I can overcome. I totally know, logically, that it's not a personality flaw btw, it's just how I view myself sometimes.

Anyway, guinea pigs are totally a responsibility I wasn't realistic about. Sometimes I'm not the best owner because of it. But!! Having guinea pigs have helped me a lot. Even on my best days I'm not used to having a routine and now that I own guinea pigs I HAVE to have a routine. My cat free feeds but my guinea pigs always need Timothy Hay by the time I wake up in the morning. As much as I want to stay in bed, I can't, the piggies are hungry. So on my best days, the piggies help keep me scheduled because they're used to eating and having their cage cleaned at certain times. On my worst days, the piggies help me stay responsible by remembering to feed them. Sometimes when I'm afraid to leave the house I'll do it anyway because they're almost out of vegetables or Timothy Hay.

I'm not suggesting, by any means, that you should get guinea pigs or any pets to "cure" or help with mental or physical illness.

I was, however, wondering if any of you have similar experiences with your pets and your personal hurdles? Please don't feel pressured to list what you have or what your problems are by any means.
I totally agree. There are days when I don't want to get out of bed or to be bothered but I know my boys (guinea pigs) need me to get up and get going so I do. I never used to have a routine until my boys came along but they have trained me well. LOL! There are days when I feel really down or stressed out but I can have a cuddle or just sit and watch them for a bit and it makes me feel a little bit better. They are definitely one of the best things that have ever happened to me!

I'm glad your guinea pigs help you in a similar way @Heather Ost. Sometimes we just need someone else to give us that little push that we can't find for ourselves.
I struggle with depression, and it's something that has run in the family on my mother's side. Routines, I've found, have kept me most balanced when I'm at my worst. Whether it's waking up at this time, showering from this time to this time, then leaving precisely at this time for work...it helps me focus on adhering to the schedule instead of other things. Sometimes when it's at its worst, that can't really happen, but a strict schedule has been a lifesaver. So having the piggies here that need me to help and play with them, whether I feel like it or not, is the best thing for me. If I'm having a really bad time, they seem to pick up on it because Sir Pig just cuddles on my neck and goes to sleep there haha. It doesn't make it go away, but it certainly helps.
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