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Guinea pig animal introductions..?

Roy Patton

Active Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 23, 2016
just curious i know pigs in general are a prey species and are of scared of a lot the minute things others are not....

but has any successfully inteoduced your pigs to other household animals like cats n dogs ? ....

my jackrussel/chihuahua has been incredibly curious as to the cage and smells ... and wondering how togo about the introduction...
I wouldn't introduce them to a Jack Russell/mix at all. They've got high prey drives, and it would be a disaster waiting to happen. But nose to nose through the cage bars is fine as long as the dog has been vaccinated against bordatella.

It depends on the cat. Adult guinea pigs are too large to interest most cats. The pups, on the other hand, dart around and squeak and look a LOT like mice. Most cats are VERY interested, and can easily injure or kill a pup, whether accidentally or deliberately.

Kittens are more curious, and more interested in playing with the pigs, whatever the age. We had a to keep a lid on our cage when our cat was young even though our guinea pigs were all adults, but as he's gotten older, he's stopped trying to swat them. In fact, we'll occasionally come in and he'll be napping in the cage with them.
I know a lot of people here who have cats that sleep in their pigs cage, and there's no issues.

I have 2 big dogs, who are interested in the pigs and the dogs have met peanut. The way we let them meet was, I held Peanut (firmly, but not uncomfortable for her. I held her against my chest, I'm arm under her and my other hand on her side that wasn't against me) And I had my boyfriend hold the collar of one of the dogs and had the dog sit. Then I crouched a bit so that Peanut and Hank (the dog) could sniff each other. I was paying attention to peanut and she didn't give any signs that she was scared (she was happily sniffing and squeaking). We only let them sniff for a few minutes, but there was no issues.

The dogs are pretty docile, so I feel comfortable having them lay in the bed while I'm sitting and holding the pigs. (Hank is actually a little scared of Olive, our smaller pig, because when they met she nibbled his nose and it surprised him lol)

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thx for response... my dig is very high strung, hes and older dog about 15yrs now, and is just curious as to what it is....
I also have a Chihuahua/Terrier mix. He is all of 8 lbs and is 2 years old. He has met all of my piggies. I let them out in my room and take him in on his leash/hold him while I feed them lettuce. He will usually eat lettuce with them and Honeybun sometimes steal some from him. He is very docile and responsive to commands, which is the only reason I allow him around the pigs. He has made a move before as if to chase Honeybun, so I don't let him around them without restraining him. He likes to say hello and lick them when their getting lap time, but neither of my girls like that much.

The only guinea pig/dog friendship I have seen in real life was between my first guinea pig, Oreo, and my aunt's black lab, Hobbes. I left Oreo with her to pig sit and by the time I picked him up, Hobbes was his bestie and would follow him around during floor time. I personally am too worried about my pigs to ever fully trust another animal around them.
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