HELLO ALL! I just wanted to say I am happy with having four boys now instead of two the last time I put up a thread. Couldn't help myself and my friends are bad influences on me(but I don't care, my piggies are a big part of my life). I know that this is an issue that cannot be helped but I wanted to see how some of you dealt with it accordingly. I have two new editions to my family. Zim and Gir were my first pair, I introduced Dib (I describe him as the color of Candy corn cuz he looks like one so SQUEE) and there was alot of Purring? (sounded like a mower ruttering lol) from both Zim and Gir, both tend to mount Dib alot, it's kinda heart breaking hearing him squeal but there was no aggression between the three except when Gir tries to mount Dib (still no aggression, no biting or blood drawn as I had researched). Then I got Gaz, he's the youngest and the smallest in my litter of boys and looks like a baby skunk-kinda lol , and placed them all in a neutral area. Once again, a lot of purring/ruddering and swaying of the hips/body from my two dominant boys. But I thought it would be best to wait for Gaz to get bigger first before placing him with the big boys, so I placed Dib inside with him so he wouldn't get so lonely (and with Dib being the insubordinate male it seems to work). There has been some purring and swaying of the hips from Dib, but he doesn't mount Gaz (to my relief but he's a good big brother, even tried to show Gaz some of the jingling cat toys I bought them when he was hiding so cute). Idk if I am doing the right thing in waiting for these two to be more confident before introducing them back into the herd. I know that males can be grouped together in one cage (of course with the appropriate size), but I want to see if anyone can give me tips in the whole mounting thing. I've let them out in a large area for floor time (all of them) with plenty of room and they continue to purr/rudder, swaying of the hips and mounting. But I have noticed that by separating the two groups the smaller Gaz and Dib are becoming more confident and will tell both Gir/Zim off when they do try to come and mount. Am I doing the right thing?