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Weight Green gunky like vomit on guinea pig


New Member
Cavy Gazer
Nov 14, 2021
Hello, I have a 5 year old guinea pig. I noticed that he has lost a lot of weight, has trouble picking up his food, and his chin-down to his neck is soaked up with what im assuming drool. I tried contacting the vet, but they weren't available so i had to wait. Today I went to check up on him and see that he now has this green gunky/liquid stuff dripping from his mouth [this is my first time seeing this]..it's kind of similar to those dark green medications you see on instagram of owners syringe-feeding their pigs. He is a little active, he walks around and switches hidies or follow his brother around [but he is puffed up all the time and his eyes look different]. Muffin also still drinks and eats his food [he still has the strength to yank the veggies out my hand] but it is a lot slower than he normally does. What can i do to help while I wait? [GuineaPigCages.com] Green gunky like vomit on guinea pig[GuineaPigCages.com] Green gunky like vomit on guinea pig

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He needs a vet, ASAP. He needs a cavy savvy vet preferably with dental experience. NOT a small animal vet. There is a very good chance he's dealing with malocclusion, and the drool is from pain. His eyes likely look different because he is severely dehydrated. This appears to me to be a medical emergency.

If you don't have Critical Care on hand, you can make a pellet slurry to feed via syringe until you can get some. You must also start syringing him water, and it would help to supplement him with some unflavoured Pedialyte.

I can't quite tell, but his incisors look to me to be angled. That's a dead giveaway for malocclusion. He will almost certainly need a procedure to plane down his molars, which is the root of the problem.

He MUST eat and drink. Whatever you can do to get food into him. Please let your vet know that this IS an emergency and that he needs to get in ASAP.
I am going to direct you to a thread I created several years ago, documenting my senior boy Sly's journey in managing malocclusion. Sly never really developed any drooling but another boy I had, Punkin, did. Punkin did not have malocclusion per se, but he DID have an infected upper incisor that made it painful to eat which in turn caused malocclusion.

This thread, I hope, will give you an idea of what to expect and what to do in the coming days and weeks.

I am going to direct you to a thread I created several years ago, documenting my senior boy Sly's journey in managing malocclusion. Sly never really developed any drooling but another boy I had, Punkin, did. Punkin did not have malocclusion per se, but he DID have an infected upper incisor that made it painful to eat which in turn caused malocclusion.

This thread, I hope, will give you an idea of what to expect and what to do in the coming days and weeks.

Im very upset to say that we were too late, Muffin sadly crossed the rainbow bridge today. [emoji174]
Thank you so much for your help and advice, I'll still take my 2 boys to get them checked out for that.

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I am so sorry you lost him. Rest in peace at the Rainbow Bridge, Muffin.
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