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Great portable fleece forest!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 14, 2011
I saw this drying rack at the dollar store and just knew I could make a fleece forest out of it. I love the idea, but thought that having to untie all those strips from a grid that's permanently fastened in a cage seemed a bit strenuous on my back. Now, I can move the forest around her cage as I please, and so can she! Radley loves to run through it and the fabric is especially nice because it was 40% off at Joann's.

[GuineaPigCages.com] Great portable fleece forest!
This is an awesome idea! I have a couple of these little racks lying around & had no idea what to do with them. I'm going to set up some right now. My girls will be thrilled! Thanks for the idea.
Awesome, I know they'll love them! Post pictures of your fleece forests if you can. I'm waiting to find Radley in her's so I can snap a picture :)
Thats cool thanks for sharing
I love that idea, but I bought a rack like that for my girls and they started chewing all the white coating off the legs. I had to remove it because I was afraid they were eating it. Maybe your rack is made from different materials than mine was and won't be able to be chewed off.
I love that idea, but I bought a rack like that for my girls and they started chewing all the white coating off the legs. I had to remove it because I was afraid they were eating it. Maybe your rack is made from different materials than mine was and won't be able to be chewed off.
My rack is just white powder-coated metal, without that plastic surrounding. Thanks for the heads up though, as the feet have little rubber stoppers on them so I will have to monitor her chewing.
Aww what a brilliant idea! :)
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