Awesome toy idea! Very simple!
Just take a film canester( little bottle that film comes in) poke some big enough holes all around it, fill it with favorite treats( timothy works well) then put the cap on. Thats it! It's that easy! It works really well with my pigs and there so selfish, they wont take turns playing with it. I think i'll make a second one! It's funny watching them trying to get to the treats inside.
Well good luck, let me know how good it works for you.
Just take a film canester( little bottle that film comes in) poke some big enough holes all around it, fill it with favorite treats( timothy works well) then put the cap on. Thats it! It's that easy! It works really well with my pigs and there so selfish, they wont take turns playing with it. I think i'll make a second one! It's funny watching them trying to get to the treats inside.
Well good luck, let me know how good it works for you.