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Cavy Slave
Dec 21, 2004
hei,in here,it's very,very hard to get hay.So do u think it's wise to replace hay with dried grass that i get from my garden?The grass is not spray with any kind of pesticide at all.
I don't know about the grass, but could you perhaps order it from Oxbow or Kleenama?
Have you looked at feed stores, Walmart, chain stores, horse/farm animal stores...
Grass is good to give to the pigs, I just dont think it could replace hay.
Grass wouldn't wear there teeth down or help there digestive tracks too much. It's fine to give the pigs, but I don't believe it should take the place of hay.
DocDolittle said:
Grass wouldn't wear there teeth down or help there digestive tracks too much. It's fine to give the pigs, but I don't believe it should take the place of hay.
very well then,I think I won't be replacing hay wif grass.
my guinea pigs will not have any hay until I get to a place that sells hay coz my very last bale of hay had finish.
I suggest you find some soon! Why would you leave your pigs without hay, you should always get more when you're running low, and if you run out for whatever reason it should be a top prioraty (sp?) to go get some. Not "my guinea pigs will not have any hay until I get to a place that sells hay coz my very last bale of hay had finished."

"Until I get to a place that sells hay" The word until worrys me because it could be days, or months, however long you make it.

Don't mean to sound rude or anyting but it dosnt sound like it's very hard for you to find hay, sounds more like "until I get to a place that sells hay," I'm beginning to think this isnt a locating issue, so much as a lazyness issue, because you've obviousy bought hay before.

Just a note- please watch your spelling, it can be very hard to read internet talk, and this is not the place for it.

Like doc said, Pigs NEED hay. So please, please, consider going and buying some more very soon, rather than leaving your pig(s) to wait for your "until I get around to it (to a place that sells hay)."
Hope that wasnt too rude... I just get really upset/worried when I hear about pigs that don't have hay.
It's okay, we all get a little worked up some time. There, there. But really, without hay a guinea pig's health is in danger. it provides necessary fiber, vitamins, etc. All of the healthy stuff needed. Grass is good to give to guinea pigs(untreated of course), but it should not take the place of hay.:)
K-ann91 you really need to use proper grammer and punctuation when posting. I had a very hard time reading and understanding your posts.
I think she's from Malaysia, so it's very probable that English isn't her first language.

Anyway, K-ann91 can't you just go back to the place you got that last bale from?
ok,I'm still young,I can't drive.So,my parents don't like the idea of driving me 3 hours to some other place to get hay.Furthermore,my parents don't really favour pets.so what can I do?Take a cab?If I take a cab.There won't be any more money left to get hay.
By the way,I just found a place that sells alfafa hay.I don't know that whether alfafa it's good for a pig or not.
I sorry I had to say this but,

These are things you should have considered BEFORE getting guinea pigs. If you can't afford to give your guinea pigs the care they need, why would you get them in the first place?

It isn't fair for a guinea pig to be left without hay, no matter what the conditions. Guinea pigs need hay, it's a matter of health. Maybe you should consider adopting your pigs to someone who can readly provide what they need?

Alfalfa is fine in small ammounts for adult guinea pigs. It still dosn't replace timothy hay. Hey if you found alfalfa, I bet you can find hay somewhere :)
How old are your pigs?
DocDolittle said:
Grass wouldn't wear there teeth down or help there digestive tracks too much. It's fine to give the pigs, but I don't believe it should take the place of hay.
Not true. Grass does an even better job than hay in wearing down their teeth. Grass and hay both have the necessary silica that wears down the teeth. Most people supplement with fresh grass since it's often easier to buy a bale of hay for their pigs.

After all, hay is just dried grass, isn't it? I don't think it's necessarily bad at all to actually replace hay with grass. I also believe that Malaysia is tropical so there's grass year-round (like here in South Florida). Just make sure the grass is fresh and untreated, and also free from other animals (no animals pooping or peeing in it).
hei,I notice that these two user


is particular rude and sort of like trying to act 'expert' when actually they're just noob. Everything that they know is from other sources like internet.They don't really know anything about pigs without the internet.
I think they seriously need to 'open' up their eyes,to realize that this country,Malaysia is seriously different from other country.If you think that the way I treat my pig is bad,then u should come here and look at some other people.I think they don't even provide their pig with vegetables.I've ask a few shops about guinea pigs diet,and guess what they say? 'Guinea pig can't eat vegetables'.Don't even try to shout back at me that I shouldn't ask pet shop owners.We don't have guinea pigs rescue or shelter here.The only rescue that we have is SPCA which only tend to dogs and cats.
Adminstrator,if you want to ban me for this,I would ask you to go ahead with it because I'm very tire of all this 'kiasu' people around here.[if u people are so clever,figure out what's kiasu your own]And I won't be visiting this forum anymore anyway.
Go get a life,pathetic snob{S}.
I thought that because hay was long, thats why its good for the digestive system. Grass is much shorter so it wouldn't work as well.

k_ann91, you said yourself that you were young. You should respect people who are older than you and not call them pathetic, and listen to what they have to say.
Ive been around guinea pigs sense I was 5ish... Maybe I did learn alot of what I know online, but that's ok because alot of the books out there are incorrect. I'm not "trying to sound like an expert." As for not noing anything withought the internet, that's not true, I would have probably built a wooden cage for my guinea pig by now had I not known about C&Cs. I still would be using the same pelets I was using, but other than that I already was providing everything that I my guinea pigs needed. And whats wrong with getting knowledge from the internet, if you didnt get it here, then where would you expect to? From those books that photograph pigs in a 1'x1' cage?

And excuse me I have a life, but this is a guinea pig forum so here i discuss guinea pigs.

Malaysia may be different, but i doubt that its impossible to place an order online and have some hay shiped to you there.
If hay is grass, wouldn't that mean that it would be possible to give long grass?

But like Tina says, if you can't get to the hay can you have it delivered?
Well, does grass even grow that long?
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