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GP seemes pooped



GP seemes pooped

My GP lately has been just siting around his cage doing nothing. Is there some thing wrong with him? And about once every 2 days he makes a new weird noise I never heard before. I tried setting up a playplace, but all he does is go in a bag and stay here. His cage is huge, and getting another GP is out of the question. help!
Re: GP seemes pooped

k this is a tuff one. the best thing that you could do is get him a companion. but since that is out of the question, the second best thing you could do is maybe put a mirror in his cage. that way it gives the illusion of another piggie in the cage with him or you could also play a recording of piggie sounds, my neighbor did this before i told him to get another piggie for her since she was always asleep and looked very lethargic although she was very healthy. she would squeak along with the piggie sounds and look around to see where the sound came from. but it would be really best for him to have a cage mate, since piggies live in groups and depend on the group for protection and companionship, thats one thing a piggie cannot be denied of no matter how much room he or she has or how much attention you give her or him.
Re: GP seemes pooped

Have you taken your pig to the vet? When guinea pigs are inactive you may want to question health. He may have a URI, UTI or something that isn't as obvious. I suggest bringing your pig to the vet to ensure that he is being lazy for a health reason.

if his cage is so large, why can't get another?
Y i can't get another

I can't get another b/c my mom sazes that one is already to stinkey and expenise!
Re: Y i can't get another

Maybe you should direct your mom to www.cavyspirit.com. Maybe she'll see that it really is the best for guinea pigs to be paired up. They don't like being by themselves all the time. There is no reason that your guinea pig should be stinky - how often do you clean the cage? Yes guinea pigs can be expensive, perhaps a little more research should have been done because this animal was purchased.

Is your guinea pig still inactive?
Y i can't get another

i clean the cage every Saturday, so it doesn't really stink, but my mom has a nose of a police dog, and likes to complain about every thing wrong with my room. (maybe she is really smelling my dirty clothes on the floor?) anyhoo, as for the expense, thats most likely just another thing she likes to complain about.
Re: Y i can't get another

i know exactly what youre going through,
i keep my piggies in my room as well, i have too many small cousins that like to grab everything, and since i work during the day, that's the only way i can make sure that they're safe, :) . my mom was exactly the same way before i got pricilla and her daughter a few years ago. at first my mom agreed to one but when i brought home two, she was a bit mad. the only way that she would let me have the two is if i never asked her for another guinea pig ever again ( :lol: like that would ever work :p ) and i had also caught her on a good day too. i explained to her that: 1. they were a mom and daugher, i didn't wanna separated them., 2. they need to go home in pairs. i also told her that i would buy everything for them and not depend on her for everything. so everytime she gave me money or money that i earned from tutoring and babysitting, half went towards anything that the piggies needed. my mom saw how much effort i was making to take good care of my piggies that she never hassled me again about the piggie issue. try catching her on a good day, and sit with her and explain that geting a second piggie would be that much of a change for you and her, except alittle extra love to give, =0). good luck
Y i can't get another

thats a good idea. maybe i'll start paying for the bedding and food, then, ask her for another.
But, do i get a girl or boy? i have a boy right now.
Re: Y i can't get another

definitley another boy, unless you wanna be a granny, :evil: . the myth about two males fighing is not true, my friend who has 4 male piggies that all live together has had a bit of grumbeling between the males, but that's only over sleeping space, she had built a very large pen for them in an empty room she has in her house. she has almost three of everything for them (timber hide-a-ways, dishes, and home-made hay bins, waterbottles, etc...) to discourage any grumble during bed time. i find the males that she has a bit more friendlier than my females, they're such mama's boys :evil:
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