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Behavior GP only liking certain people


Cavy Slave
Sep 14, 2011
Just curious. We have 2 GPs, one is 3 years old and the other we just adopted. The new one (Walter) is very loving, gentle, not skiddish. Luke (the 3yo) has always been skiddish, but has generally been gentle. He is very particular about where you touch him. I will say I generally don't hold them, our 3 girls hold them every day, adding up to at least an hour and a half a way including breaks.

Anyhow, Luke doesn't seem to like me at all. He squeals as if I were eating him and sometimes nips at me. Maybe its because he's not used to me? He doesn't do that to the girls at all.

Also, I must ask, Luke acts very strangely sometimes, and I wonder if something is wrong with him neurologically. He is a very big pig, and sometimes when you put him back in his cage he will roll over to his back and stay there for a second or 2. Concerning or normal GP behavior? When you are giving him his salad for the day, he will get so excited he raises his head up way high and flips over and, again, stays there for a second or 2.

Any thoughts on either of these issues is appreciated.
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Is Luke the one you just adopted? If he is, it's probably because he isn't used to your hand and your scent yet, but is more used to your girls' because they hold him more. I think you should try holding him more often so he can get used to you and see that you are not a threat. :)
Hmmm I don't know about the flipping over part but try hand feeding him veggies in his cage. While he is eating the veggie stroke him a bit. He may just need to get use to use.
You probably just need to hold him more often to get him to be nicer to you, also feed him lots of veggies.

I'm worried about the tipping over. That isn't normal. Has he always done this or is this new?
To the tipping over I have no clue, but as it was said it's not normal...

To the not like certain people, I have to say it can be a yes, but that doesn't mean it is in this case. My pigs are not a fan of my mother (none of the have been) because they smell she's nervous and it makes them nervous. And apparenlty they just aren't fans of my cousin, which is being really nice and building my cage.

Anyways, I've had issues with Charlie, he's really skittish, and doesn't really like to be picked up/held/left to play for floor time. So, day before yesterday I done something I've never had to do, and believe me it worked wonders. I had the outline of a 2x5 grids up, because I wanted to see how big it was, well it was time to clean his cage anyways, so I plunked an old sheet, and Charlie into the grids. He was so scared I felt a little horrible! But I got out his veggies for supper and set down inside the grids lose to him. Once I was inside, he was still a little scared and unsure why this big person was setting inside the cage! But after a few minutes of just setting there, I offered veggies, it took a couple tries but he finally took the parsley. After he took a couple pieces, I started petting and talking. Then I would stop offering veggies for a sec and just pet him.... By the end of an hour, he had actually ventured closer, though I feel sure he figured out the veggies where in my lap lol. I don't know if this is something you could or would want to try, but it could help... Of course I'll be doing it again once I get my grids for the play pen....
The flipping over isn't normal behavior. He may have some sort of mild seizure disorder, or something else neurological going on. Is there any way to find out from the previous owner how long this has been going on? If it's been a long time and hasn't gotten any worse, then there's likely nothing to be done about it. If it started suddenly, but hasn't gotten any worse or has possibly gotten better, he may have had a stroke. If it's getting steadily and slowly worse, then there's a possibility of a brain tumor.

As far as him not liking you, make sure that when you approach him you don't have some scent on your hands that he might not like, such as dish detergent, lotion, etc. If there are favorite things in his salad that he prefers, then offer them to him by hand. Let one of your girls catch him every day and put him in your lap, and you feed him some yummies. I think that with a little time, this problem should resolve itself.
Luke is the 3yo, and he has been doing the tipping over thing for about 6 months to a year.

I figured he just wasn't used to me holding him as to not really liking me handling him. Little squirt, i clean his cage and feed him veggies, hay, and pellets, and he only likes the girls! :) Seriously, it's okay, although I do like a little snuggle now and then.
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