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Gourds for hidey house?


Cavy Slave
Sep 7, 2004
I was thinking of making a hidey from a birdhouse gourd. Does anyone know if gourds are harmful to Guinea Pigs if they chew on them? I noticed pumpkins and squash are listed on the safe veggies list, and gourds are in the same family as them. I thought the birdhouse gourds would make a nice natural source for a hidey house, and they are basically free since I grew them in my garden. But, my second thought was are they okay for my little guys to chew on. Does anyone know for sure or have an opinion on this?
i dont now for sure, but if you had the idea because you wanted to make a cheap hidey house, just use a brown paper bag or ice cream bucket.
I am sure it would be ok, and cute. Besides, gourds taste horrible (!) and I am sure your piggy would take one bit and decide that 'he' did not want to chew on it anymore.
loves2travel said:
i dont now for sure, but if you had the idea because you wanted to make a cheap hidey house, just use a brown paper bag or ice cream bucket.
I never thought of ice cream buckets. I do give them paper bags with the ends cut out for tunnels. Right now they have a shoe box with one end cut out. They like to snuggle up and sleep in there. Thanks for the ideas.
Dinochick said:
I am sure it would be ok, and cute. Besides, gourds taste horrible (!) and I am sure your piggy would take one bit and decide that 'he' did not want to chew on it anymore.
Yeh, I know people don't eat gourds because of the taste. I just wanted to make sure. I know there are a lot of people on this forum that have a lot of experience with guinea pigs. These 2 are the first guinea pigs I have ever had. I am glad I found this site before I brought my piggies home. Thanks for the reply.
I think it's an awsome idea!! Let us know if you find out for sure or not because I would like to use that idea!! Hope you don't mind! lol

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