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Got my new piggers!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 28, 2004
I got 3 new piggers last night from a petstore. (My parents didn't want to drive to a HS) They are females. But I am having my male piggy neutered(He is schedualed for tomorrow). So they won't get to be together for a while (about a month). I am expanding the cage soon. But I will tell you what my new piggers look like. They don't have names yet.
One is a black and white Texel
One is a Brown and white (the two colors are swirled together) Abbsynian (sp)
One is Red, black, and brown American.
I ended up getting 3 new ones instead of just one because my Dad decided he liked piggers. It was a shocker to me.
My mother isn't too happy, she said she doesn't want to see them. But she looked at them and said they were pretty but wouldn't touch them.
Well anyways I think I am expanding the cage to a 2x6. Not sure though might be bigger if I can get rid of some more stuff in my room.
Right now each female is in a 1x2 cc quarentining cage. (Not made out of coro but card board)
I am going to take them to the vet to find out if they are all healthy. They look pretty healthy. No signs of mites or any other parasites. And I made sure they were all females.
They definantly are not babies they actually are really big and look pretty old.
Well anyways just wanted to tell all of you.
For names I was thinking-
Black and white texel- Oreo
Brown and White Abbsynian- Carmel
red black and brown american- Chocolate
Congrats on your new pigs!! That's awsome that your dad let you get three! I bet your mom wigged out on him! lol Anyway, cute names!
oh I will try to take pics soon!
CavyCrazyMom said:
Congrats on your new pigs!! That's awsome that your dad let you get three! I bet your mom wigged out on him! lol Anyway, cute names!
Thanks. Well it took a while to convince him to let me get three piggs. there was a lot of drama involved lol. Ya my mom freaked out. my dad is in trouble lol. But I am broke now it was $90 to get the three piggies $30 for neutering. And now I have to make a larger cage, lol.
In the petstore where they kept together? The girls may already be pregnant.

Your family sounds so much like mine. My dad likes them and will even give them a stroke. My mum thinks they are cute but hasn't touched them.
Piglet said:
In the petstore where they kept together? The girls may already be pregnant.

Your family sounds so much like mine. My dad likes them and will even give them a stroke. My mum thinks they are cute but hasn't touched them.
No the petstore only sold females. But there is a possibility one of them is pregnant. there was two piggers to a cage. And 2 of mine were housed together but one of mine wasn't it was housed with another pigg. But I am hoping none of them are pregnant because I would be in sooooo much trouble. Eeek. I don't even want to think about it.
Hmm... Didn't really understand what you just wrote. Sorry! Well, go to the cavy spirit sexing page and double check that they are females.

Congrats on your new pigs =)
Piglet said:
Hmm... Didn't really understand what you just wrote. Sorry! Well, go to the cavy spirit sexing page and double check that they are females.

Congrats on your new pigs =)
I already did check they are all females. Um What I said was this-
*The petstore said they only carry females
*They had two piggs per cage
*Two of my piggs were housed together so therefore neither of those girls could be pregnant because they are both females
*One of my piggs was housed with another pigg (dont know what sex though), (but I am assuming female seeing as they (petstore) is only supposed to sell females) That is the only one that could be pregnant.
*If any of my piggs are pregnant I am in trouble.

lol do ya understand now? Sorry for the bad explanation the first time.
Its ok, I understand now! Yes, you may well be in trouble. Could you go to the vet to see what sex that pig is?
Piglet said:
Its ok, I understand now! Yes, you may well be in trouble. Could you go to the vet to see what sex that pig is?

You mean go to the petstore and see what sex the one pigg was housed with just incase? Oh they all have vet checks tomorrow. And they are all definantly females no doubt about it.
Congrats on your new piggers!
"One of my piggs was housed with another pigg (dont know what sex though)"

But now you just said you know for sure that they are all females! Right, go to the petstore and yes, check who your pig was housed with. Take all four of your pigs to the vet and check their sex and check for any pregnancies.
Piglet what I meant was I know that all three of my new piggs are girls, but I am not sure if one of my new girls was housed with a girl or a boy before I bought her. Thats what I meant. Sorry.
No need to apologise, I'm in a ditzy mood =) So, what do you want to do then? Can the pet shop be trusted. Does it look after its animals well? If so, they may be right in saying it was a girl. Either way, you should check what sex the cage mates were.
YAY!!!! I'm so happy for you! I hope everything is going well, good luck!
How are they all doing? Settling in well I hope =-)
Wow...3 new piggies.
They must be lovely.
Don't forget to show the pictures of them soon!
They are doing great, my male went in to get neutered yesterday, and the females all got health checks and sex checks. They are all females, and they are healthy. Um I gave them (the 3 females) floor time together and they ran around a little bit. I held them and stuff. I will try to take pics soon.
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