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Got my new pig!(long)


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 13, 2005
For those of you who don't know the story, you can check out this thread..
Was I allowed to make a new one? Sorry..

Well I was expecting Sofie tomarrow but they(neighbors)came by today with her and her things. Her pet store cage is 20x34 inchs if I measured correctly, so almost a 2x3 I think. My mom thinks I don't need to build her a C&C or get her a buddy but of course I will.

So right now I've got her cage in my room with a ramp into a 12 grid pen. I didn't have any veggies on hand because I had planned to buy them tomarrow. Was what I fed her for dinner okay?..

3 slices of cucumber plus the cut up chunk I gave her earlier.
4 large dandelion leaves
5-10 inch long bits of some kind of bean(string or green?) but they were the frozen kind except thawed in the microwave of course(left over from dinner).
3 hand fulls of fresh grass
And 4-6 long stalks with leaves of this strange wheat? grass??

For breakfast I'll only be able to get her cucumber, grass and dandelion leaves until I can bike to the store.

And what should I buy right away then?

She's the cutest little thing! She wasn't too skittish at all, she went exploring right away. When she figured out the blue tunnel(gallery) she went running through it and into her hidey house a bunch. And she sure does love to chew that house!

I know you'll be demanding pigtures. I'll see when I can borrow my sister's digicam(she doesn't live with us). I may be able to take a few with the webcam but they won't be good quality.*shrugs*

When they(neighbors) brought her over they told me she'll need her nails clipped, they gave me the clippers too. I'm afraid to though. I guess I'll give her a week to get used to me and then give it a shot.

Oh yeah..Bad timing on getting her just two days before a holiday. My family's going down to our summer cottage to have a big bonfire for midsummer..whatever. Do pigs get stressed easily? I don't really think I should make her endure the noisy hour car ride there and back when she's just moved in here. So will she be okay if I give her her veggies friday morning and load her up on fresh water(2-3 bottles) and timothy hay then come back saturday afternoon and feed her?


Congrats on the new baby.

I'm glad that you will be building her a C&C cage. Your measurement (or understanding of the C&C measuring system) is a bit off.

When people here talk about a 2x3 cage they are talking in cubes not feet. A cube measures anywhere from 14" to 16". So if you built a 2x3 cage with 14" cubes your cage would measure 28" x 42". The store bought cage you have is much smaller then that...make sure your mom understands the size differance we are talking here.

Also the 2x3 cage size is only good for 1 GP. If you get a buddy the cage should be a 2x4, 28"x56".

I think the little girl should be fine with you away for a day. In fact it will give her some quiet time to get used to her new surroundings without the noise of people to scare her.
She was just hiding in her hidey house for a while.. I went to clean up the pen and put her in her cage for the night. She had peed in the house. How do I clean the urine off the house's edges? And I felt her belly was a little wet. Should I wash her or let it come off on it's own?

She also been scratching a bit. Is this something to worry about? It's ocassional and there's no hair loss and from what I could see no dry skin either.
Wow! Congratulations on the new addition

Can you see any dandruff on the pig? Keep an eye on the scratching - it could be lice or mites, but both are very easy to treat

What kind of house is it? Plastic? If so, you can use a vinegar/water mix. Wash the house with a brush and this mixture and then rinse.

Try getting any type of lettuce, most pigs love it. Ball peppers are also a good choice
The house is wooden. I got it pretty clean with only water.

I bought some lettuce, I'm not sure what kind but not iceburg. And I got bell peppers, dill(which she loves), parsley, arugola(sp?), tomatoes, cucumber and watermelon. That's all for now, I can buy a bigger variety of veggies later.

I got a panda pillow, you know those flatter pillows with an animal head sticking off? I put that into her pen and put a towel over it and a towel tent over that. She's sound asleep in it right now. Soo cute!
Please don't feed her any cooked/frozen vegtables. They have very little nutritional value, and they are very bad for pigs.
Can't wait to see pictures! Congrats on the new piggy :)

For veggies, if you want either Ly or me can give you a list (Ly, the list you gave me- I've been giving it to others but said you gave it to me!) by email- it's rather long- 7 pages in 10 font. Just pm me or Ly(if she's up to it, he he) with your email address. It's a great list, really helped me find what to get for my piggies.

Lettuce you can give are:
Romaine, green leaf, red leaf, boston, butter, and endive.. But I don't know about others. tha'ts what I basically get and it's a pretty good variety just for lettuce..
I found out that the mystery grass stuff growing all over the four fields down the road from me are timothy hay!! How lucky can I be? I don't have to buy any hay at all. I go to get a bundle every morning while walking my dogs. The grass/hay is really clean and nice. It's free of pesticides etc. and I get it from the far side of the field to gurantee there's no dog urine or other cr*p on it.

I'm thinking maybe later in autumn I could cut away a couple box fulls of the timothy grass to keep for the beginning of winter. Or if I take enough I could get through the whole winter with it. Sofie just loves it, I guess because it's fresh and much tastier. She hardly touchs her dried store bought hay.

Slap - She wasn't too interested in the bean things so I just threw them out.
Wow! What luck eh?
I found out that the mystery grass stuff growing all over the four fields down the road from me are timothy hay!!

If it's still in the field, it's not technically hay yet. Hay is dried grass. You are feeding fresh timothy grass. You could get some and dry it yourself like you mentioned, but they need unlimited amounts of hay and not just a few blades or a handful a day.
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